Bustling Metropolis!/Bug Battle!!

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The boat soon stopped in the massive metropolis known only as Castelia City!

The boat soon stopped in the massive metropolis known only as Castelia City!

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Fluttershy: WOW!!!


Misty: Look at all those shops!!

May: And the restaurants!!


Hilda: Uh, you g-

They all take off to do their own thing.

Hilda: Seriously?

(Y/N): Hey, it's okay. You just enjoy yourselves. I'm going to take on the Gym Leader!

Hilda: Oh alright.

And so...

You arrive at the gym, and notice all the cocoons!

(Y/N): I got to get to the top then!

Several cocoons led to various silk platforms, which you navigated to get up to the top, where everything was covered in paint.

???: Ah, welcome. I'm Burgh, the Gym Leader.

Burgh (Castelia City's Gym Leader! An expert artist!)

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Burgh (Castelia City's Gym Leader! An expert artist!)

(Y/N): I'm here to challenge you Burgh!

Burgh: Very well. This shall be an artistic battle!

Burgh takes out three Pokeballs!

Burgh: Go Whirlipede, Dwebble, and Leavanny!

All three of his Pokémon appeared.

Burgh: This will be my greatest masterpiece! I prefer to paint while I battle, so go on.

(Y/N): Right! I choose Infernape, Oshawott, and Pikachu!

All three of your Pokémon are ready to battle!

Burgh: Very well. Whirlipede, use Poison Tail! Dwebble, use X-Scissor, and Leavanny use String Shot!

All three begin to pose and attack, and-

(Y/N): Infernape use Flame Wheel, Oshawott use Razor Shell, and Pikachu use Iron Tail!

All three Pokémon block out Whirlipede's attack, clash with Dwebble's X-Scissor, and cut through Leavanny's String Shot respectively!

(Y/N): Yes!

Burgh: Oh, this is wonderful. I must have more! I never painted something like this!

(Y/N): Uh ... Burgh, your Pokémon.

They were beaten.

Burgh: Oh, it looks like you are the talk of the region after all.

(Y/N): Why thanks. I-

Burgh: This is definitely going up for the next art show. Here, take this.

Insect Badge

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Insect Badge

(Y/N): Hell yeah! Thanks Burgh!

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