The Start of December!

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Snow began to fall over New Tokyo, and you were ready for the first day of December! 

(Y/N): Time to make snow angel! YAHOO!! 

You jump into the snow and then start making snow angels. 


You are then hit by a snowball. 


You then see Usagi whistling. 

(Y/N): USAGI!! What are you doing?! 

Usagi: Oh nothing. Hahahahahaha. 

(Y/N): Usagi! 

The Bunny/Moon Princess Senshi looked innocent. 

(Y/N): I know you did that. 

Usagi: You have no proof! It could have been Chi- 

(Y/N): Chibiusa is inside drinking soup with Hotaru! 

Usagi: You don't k- 

You then throw a snowball at her! 

Usagi: HEY!! 

(Y/N): HERE I COME!!! 

With a bunch of snowballs you shoot them out of your mouth, and manage to knock her down. 

Usagi: I'm dead. 

(Y/N): You cute little- 

You pull her out and bring her inside. 


The two of you are drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, and chocolate chips. 

Usagi: Our years together are still going to be amazing. I can see it. Us growing old together, still in love, and we'll have old people sex til we pass on. 

(Y/N): You make it sound so dark, and yet cute. That's why I love you!! 

She puts her head on your shoulder. 

Usagi: I love you so much. 

(Y/N): Me too, Usagi. Me too. 

You both begin kissing passionately. 

However, you both were being watched... 

???: Hahahaha. So, this is the warrior of Earth? He's with the one who bears the Silver Crystal and Golden Crystal. This shall be very very interesting. Now, do you hear me, Sailor Iron Mouse? 

???2: Yes, Lady Galaxia. 

Sailor Iron Mouse: I will obtain those crystals

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Sailor Iron Mouse: I will obtain those crystals. 

???: Perfect. But don't fail me. Or you will regret it. 

Sailor Iron Mouse: Understood, I live to serve you. 

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