The Snowpoint Battle!!

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Traveling further up north, brought your group to Snowpoint City!

(Y/N): Ah, Snowpoint City.

Jack: AAACHO!! It's freezing.

Misty: Can't we find the Pokémon Center quickly?!

(Y/N): Sure! Let's go!

After a quick Pokémon check up by Nurse Joy...

(Y/N): Only two more badges left before the Pokémon League!

Inside of the gym...

May: Agh! It's much colder in here!

Dawn: How d-d-d-does this make any s-s-s-s-sense??

???: Ah, welcome those who wish to challenge me!

Candice (Snowpoint City's Gym Leader! She is very energetic for an ice trainer! She is very much into romance and fashion too!)

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Candice (Snowpoint City's Gym Leader! She is very energetic for an ice trainer! She is very much into romance and fashion too!)

(Y/N): Candice, I'm here to challenge you to a Pokémon Battle!

Candice: Very well! Let's do this!!

She first sends out her Sneasel!

(Y/N): Okay! I choose you, Infernape!

Infernape comes out, and he's pumped!

Candice: Sneasel, use Ariel Ace!

(Y/N): Infernape use flamethrower on those ice rocks and make it like a surfboard and-

Infernape: Yeah! I know!!

Infernape does exactly that as Sneasel goes to attack, and then-

(Y/N): Now use Fire Punch!!

Infernape does so, but Sneasel leaps above!

Candice: My Sneasel is too quick for your Infernape (Y/N)!

(Y/N): In that case, Infernape use Flame Wheel, and make sure that Sneasel won't be able to dodge!

Infernape: Yeah! Good thinking!!

Infernape follows your commands, and manages to trap Sneasel!

The fire monkey then knocks out the ice weasel!

Candice: Huh? Sneasel return! Go Froslass!!

Froslass comes out, though Infernape smiles and begins using Fire Punch!


Abomasnow uses Wood Hammer on Infernape, though it toughens it out and uses the same strategy with Sneasel!

Abomasnow tries using Avalanche, but Infernape cancels it out with a Fire Blast!

(Y/N): Once again Fire triumphs over ice! I'm just glad she's not going to strip like that dummy, Gray.

Candice: Return! That was pretty amazing. I can sense that your Pokémon trust you. Here, take the Icicle Badge! It's yours!

 Here, take the Icicle Badge! It's yours!

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(Y/N): Thanks!

Candice: At this point, you seem to be ready to take on Volkner. Be careful though, he's really skilled, and well he's kind of down in the dumps about it.

(Y/N): Heh, I got this in the bag. Thanks Candice. And here.

You give her the same number like with Gardenia, Maylene, and Fantina!

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