Badnik Hijinxs!

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Breezie: So, can I offer you ladies anything? How about some of my Chaos Cola?

Cassia: I tried that stuff before. Though I don't remember what happened.

Clove: Yes, very amusing, but we have to decline.

Breezie: Well damn. Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts?!

She contacted her three idiot henchmen, who were still chasing after Amy and Pinkie!

Scratch: We haven't caught them yet Boss! Still working on it!!

Coconuts: It's because of these two that we're not getting anywhere.

Grounder: If you weren't so small, you would actually be useful!

Coconuts whacks Grounder on the head!

Grounder: WHY YOU!!

He tries to chase after the robot monkey, but Scratch whacks him!

Scratch: You Dunderbot! I got something better!

And so...

They start to come up with their plan!

Scratch and Grounder had a bunch of oil slicks, and Coconuts had a flamethrower!

Scratch: Okay, when I give the signal, we'll cause those two to slide and then Coconuts will fry both with that flamethrower!

Coconuts: Oh! I like it!! Okay! Let's-

Pinkie: Hey Dumbbots! Over here!

Pinkie blew a raspberry at them.

Pinkie: BEEP BEEP!!

And then she runs off.

Grounder: Why that little!

He goes up a ramp to catch her, and she unleashed a big wrecking ball!



His head was sent flying right onto Coconuts, who set the flames on, and hit Scratch!

Scratch: AAAAAAAGH!! HOT!!!

And then he dropped the oil, and-


They were blown to bits.

Pinkie: Give up yet? Or are you thirsty for more?


She uses a gadget to get them to be reassembled!

Scratch: Oh that feels better. Grounder?

Grounder comes flying back and crashes.

Grounder: I'm okay.


Amy and Pinkie were searching on where to find Breezie and get her to confess where the emerald is, but then-


Amy: Those nimrods never learn.

Pinkie: That's what makes it fun!

They start bashing the ground!

Scratch: Wait is that a- AAAAAAAAAAAGH!! EARTHQUAKE!!

Grounder and Coconuts: NOOOOOOO!

They start running away, and barely avoid falling through the cracks.

Pinkie: Man, if only the others could see this! So much joy and laughter! You know what would make this even better?

Amy: What's that?

Pinkie: This!

She snaps her fingers and creates more of her.

Pinkies: FUN!!!

Amy: How do you do these things?

Pinkie: It's best not to question them. Okay Pinkies, go and sick them!

The Pinkies salute her and run off.

Pinkie: Now let's get us an emerald!

And so...

They finally find where Breezie is.

Breezie: Well well, you made it. I take it you kept my three idiot henchmen busy?

Pinkie: Oh, since they're very persistent, they'll be having lots of fun until they disappear.

Breezie: I see. Okay, tell you what, I'll give you the emerald, since you got this far.

Amy: Seriously?

Breezie: Hey, I'm a fair businesswoman.

Pinkie: Oh okay! But what about those two? I mean, they're not really bad from what I can tell.

Clove: What are you-

Pinkie: Oh I know these things. I mean Egghead made Cassia here into a robot as a trick to cure her disease.

Cassia: Huh?!

Clove: How do you-

Pinkie: Haven't you both ever wondered why he kept you normal?

They both looked really angry.

Pinkie: Oh, and Ms. Breezie, you might want to reconsider being evil.

Breezie: I'm just a shrewd businesswoman. What could you possibly b-

Amy: Look at this.

They showed a picture of you.

Breezie: W-Wow, he's ... a hunk.

Pinkie: Yeah, he's a charmer, really nice, treats us like princesses! You know, a pretty awesome fanfic Shounen protagonist who loves his girls unconditionally, and we make lots of friends, do wacky hijinks, you know stuff like that.

Girls: How do you-

Amy: I stopped questioning how she knows these things.

Pinkie: So, can we have-

She brings in the Green Super Emerald.

Breezie: All yours.

On another hand...

You and your team are in Tails' new Tornado plane!

Twilight: You never cease to amaze Tails! You guys alright on the outside?

(Y/N), Jack, Sonic, and Rainbow: Yeah!

Tails: Okay, hold onto your butts you guys! We're going in!

Right before you all was the Battle Fortress of the Battle Bird Armada!

Battle Lord: They're coming!! Babylon Rouges! Get them!

Jet: Heh, so, it's time we clash again, Sonic the Hedgehog! You won't be calling yourself the World's Fastest for long!

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