Shenanigans in the Work Office!

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Spike is literally dragged along with Tohru to where Kobayashi works.

Spike: Why are we here?

Tohru: Well it gets boring when you don't have anyone to accompany you anywhere.

Spike: I really f- Oh. It's Takiya!

Takiya was seen trying to keep his anime figurines in order.

Takiya: I swear, these can't get messed up. Fafnir always wants his new figurines in the right condition.

Spike: That Otaku, he's really determined to keep them in order. (Sigh)

Tohru: Oh, let's mess with him!

Spike: TOHRU!! NO!!

He pulls her down as Kobayashi is looking around.

Kobayashi: I swear, Tohru is spying on me. And I think she might have dragged Spike into this.

Spike: You are crazy you know that?

Tohru: Spikey! How could you talk to your sister like that?!

Spike: Hey, I'll talk to you however I want! You're so dumb, I need to guide you in the right way. Especially when you're getting obsessed with your girlfriend.

Tohru: EEEE! You said it!

Spike: Ugh, I should be taking care of Kanna. Not-

Tohru: Kanna will be fine. Besides, I think she's just doing something or her own.


Kanna is seen listening to something from Saikawa.

Saikawa: That's why I'll be spending the summer at your house, with your family. Great right?

Kanna: I guess. Thanks Saikawa.


She collapses with heat eyes.

Back with Spike and Tohru...

They notice Elma on her lunch break.

Elma: Ah, lunch, the best time of work. Now-

She brings out her lunch, consisting of cream bread, dango, a milkshake in a thermos, and some Mochi.

Spike: Man, Elma loves sweets too much.

Tohru: Yep! She's a fatty fat fat.

Spike: I thought you two were best friends again.

Tohru: We are. I just love screwing with her.

Spike: You're chaotic indeed.

Tohru: Oh thank, little brother.

Tohru grabs some cream bread and leaves.

Elma: Huh?! Where's my cream bread?! Where is it?! TOHRU, I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!!!

Tohru: Hehehehe.

She shoves it in her mouth.

Tohru: MMMMM! So good!!

Spike: Brother.


Spike decides to see what Lucoa is up to.

Lucoa: Hey Spike! You want to see this?

She shows Shouta sitting on a bench with Chibiusa, they were holding hands, and-

Shouta: Do you get the feeling we're being watched?

Chibiusa: Well it's not my Mommy. She's way too dumb to be stealthy.

Shouta: I get the feeling it might be-

He throws a curse charm!


Lucoa falls down.

Lucoa: NO!! I'm dying! Egh!

She falls.


She just hugs him.

Lucoa: Nice one Shouta-Baby.


He blushes and runs away.

Chibiusa: Shouta, wait!

She follows after.

Spike: Why can't you guys just do something normal for once.

Lucoa: Well, you know I don't want to talk about ... that incident.

Spike: Right. And that's why you never drink again.

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