Tundra Problems!!

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Both AJ and Knuckles were out in the ice caps, and they were both freezing cold!

Knuckles: Why is it so c-cold?

AJ: In hindsight, we should have packed fur coats. Wait...

She looks at Knuckles.


As they continue to argue, Ice Man, Blizzard Man, Freeze Man, Frost Man, Chill Man, Cold Man, and Tundra Man appeared!

Ice Man: Freeze! You're not going anywhere!

AJ: Of course they have the ice robots.

Frost Man: Let's do this! We'll freeze them, crush them, and sell them as popsicles!!!

Tundra Man: Do you have to be such a brute?

Freeze Man: Let's just freeze them-

Cold Man: And then we can get our nice cold Frappuccinos and sorbet that Mr. Tundra provides us with!

Chill Man: That is ... if he gives us any-

Knuckles uppercuts him!

Blizzard Man: Now what?! We're so screwed!! Screwed!!!

Ice Man: Soldiers! Now! Get it together!!!

Ice Man begins to create big icicles and sends them at the two strong ones!

But AJ pounds the ground and starts using the rocks that she launches up to destroy the icicles and punt Ice Man into a wall!

Ice Man: AAAGH!

He does get crushed by one!

The ice robot masters stand frozen solid on the ground, and that's out of fear.

Then they hear Tundra approaching.

Tundra: What are you idiots doing?!

Ice Robot Masters: Mr. Tundra!!

Tundra: Do you young ones think you can just waltz in and do what you want?

AJ: Just hand over that emerald and we'll be on our way.

Tundra: That I can't let you do.

He gets his fists ready.

And the two start attacking!

Knuckles: Tough for some old Geezer huh?

Tundra: Don't get cocky youngun's!

He unleashes ice breath, which freezes their legs!

AJ: What in tarnation?! You little snake! I oughta! Argh!

She can't move her legs.

Tundra: You got spirit for a woman. How would you like to join up with the Eggman Empire?

AJ: Yeah no thanks.

She breaks free and kicks him!

And then Knuckles hits him down!!

Knuckles: Stay down Old Timer.

Tundra: WHY Y-

But then AJ ropes him up!

AJ: I had my lasso specialized by Tails and Twi, Sugarcube. You're not going anywhere.

Tundra: WHY YOU!!

Knuckles: Anyone want to reject our request for the emerald?

Ice Robot Masters: No ... no!

AJ: Now take us to it.

Back with Amy and Pinkie...

Both of them find themselves in a studio where Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts are waiting.

Scratch: Okay guys, at the last second we jump and hit them with the evaporator ray! Hahahaha!

Grounder: You got it Scratch!

Coconuts: I still don't think this'll work! I-

But then they're interrupted by Pinkie in a police officer outfit.

Pinkie: Ahem. Do you have a license for that?

Grounder: Uh ... not really.

Pinkie: Then you'll need to be ticketed for that.

Scratch: HEY! That's ridiculous!!

Coconuts: Yeah, something is off about this one. I-

They are then bashed by Amy!

Amy: Could you clowns just shut up?

They begin seeing stars!

SSSSS Squad: Boss, is there you? You want to reward us?

They then collapse.

Breezie appears on a screen.

Breezie: IDIOTS!!! WAKE UP!

They do so!

SSSSS Squad: We're up!

Breezie: After them!

SSSSS Squad: Yes Ma'am!

Pinkie and Amy: And let the chase begin!

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