Model F, L, and P!!!

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You and Aile soon head over to Area G, through Area D, and find a city on fire!

(Y/N): OH CRAP! We have to save any survivors we can find! Aile, use Model H to try and put out the fires! 

Aile: I'm on it! 

As you move through the buildings, Aile puts out any fires by using Model H's wind abilities! 

(Y/N): Hang on! 

You begin saving families, elderly couples, businessmen, and anyone you can find. 

(Y/N): Damn it Serpent, you're really pissing me off with this. 

After a while, you find a member of the Guardians! 

Guardian: Oh good. Help is here. The Maverick Leader is up ahead. Take this. 

She hands over a key to a locked door. 

(Y/N): Perfect! Aile? 

Aile: Right! 

You both soon enter the door nearby. 

???:  Ah the Guardian's Mega Man and her friend have arrived... To think their great hero would be just a little girl. But I suppose if the Mavericks have chosen you, then you must be the one.

Aile: What are you talking bout? 

(Y/N): Yeah, what do you mean about Mavericks choosing Aile? 

???: The Mavericks were not causing all of that trouble just for fun you know

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???: The Mavericks were not causing all of that trouble just for fun you know. They were trying to locate the perfect vessel for Model W. It is all tied into the holders of the Biometal. The chosen ones. The Mega Men. You. After all, you survived the Maverick raid those many years ago.

Aile: Are you trying to say the Mavericks let me live!? That can't be!

Fistleo: Ah, it appears you are not willing to accept the truth. It does not matter, Model W will have the sacrifice it requires. My name is Fistleo, I am the Model F Pseudoroid. If you will not accept your destiny, then you will have to accept your end.

(Y/N): This guy has Fefnir's attitude, but not his heroic nature. It's you who should accept his end. 

Fistleo growls and begins attacking! 

He uses freaking martial arts moves, but Aile using Model H unleashes a powerful gust of wind, and then you appear behind him! 


You stab him, and Fistleo growls. 

Fistleo: I was beaten by kids? How is this possible? With the Biometal, I should have the power of a God! 

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