Back Home!/Prepping for War!

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You come out of the portal.

Twilight: He's back!

Sci-Twi: What happened (Y/N)?

(Y/N): We're at war.

Twilight: What?!

(Y/N): I have to go back. But right now, make sure you guys keep that portal running.

You grab some stuff, and get ready.

(Y/N): Anyone want to come in?

Sci-Twi: Oh brother. If this is a-

(Y/N): You'll do Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: NO! I'll just man the portal.

Twilight: Besides, you came back fine.

(Y/N): Okay, Tails you look after the girls then.

Tails: Alright. But are you sure that you're fine going in by yourself?

(Y/N): Yeah. I got good partners

Team Genius: Who?

(Y/N): Zero.


A bunch of trucks were seen driving as purple Reploids were chasing after them.

???: Crap! What do we do now? Weil's goons are approaching!

You land on some trucks, and then notice four figures taking out the mechs!

(Y/N): Well, looks like you guys made it.

Zero, Harpuia, Fefnir, and Leviathan were there.

Fefnir: You really kept us waiting Kid.

Then you get contacted.

???: (Y/N)! Welcome back!

(Y/N): Ciel, good to hear your voice! What's up?

Ciel: Some humans have left Neo Arcadia.

(Y/N): That's pretty brave of them.

Harpuia: And yet foolish. Weil is sending his troops after them.

(Y/N): But we're here, so-

You notice a submarine coming out of the sand nearby!

(Y/N): Hang on!

You go over and immediately destroy it!

(Y/N): Done.

Leviathan: I have the biggest heart on for him right now.

The trucks soon come to a stop.

Zero: It looks like everyone is okay. I'm surprised to see someone crazy enough to drive out here in the middle of nowhere.

The leader of the Caravan comes out.

Leader: Do you always give lectures to the people you save? Well... Thanks anyway.

(Y/N): No problem. Rare to see humans at this time out here.

Man: Hey! Neige, we don't have time for this! Dealing with Reploids I-

Neige: Hey! We should say thank you.

Man: Fine.

Neige (Leader of a group of humans who escaped Neo Arcadia! She was once a reporter, with a spunky attitude!)

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Neige (Leader of a group of humans who escaped Neo Arcadia! She was once a reporter, with a spunky attitude!)

Ciel then comes by.

Ciel: (Y/N)!

She hugs you.

(Y/N): Good to see you Ciel.

Neige: Wait! (Y/N), you're the human who opposed Neo Arcadia along with Zero! Right?

Zero: Who are you?

Neige: The name's Neige. I'm human just like your friend. I used to be a journalist who traveled the world. That's why I heard rumors about you and the Resistance. That you led the Reploids against Neo Arcadia... And are supposed to be very dangerous.

Ciel: What? But we're not.

Leviathan: Hey, and-

Neige: And the Three Guardians. I suspected you joined up with the Resistance.

Harpuia: We do it for humanity's sake.

Fefnir: We're not going to be Weil's pawns.

Leviathan: Besides, Zero owes us a rematch.

Zero: Tch. Look, don't go spreading rumors okay?

Neige: There won't be. I'm just telling you what I've heard. But others might think differently than me. I'll be seeing you. It's time for us to get going.

(Y/N): Why'd you escape t- WEIL! He's attacking humans too?!

Neige: He claims that anyone who opposes him is a Maverick.

You felt seathing hatred for Weil! Just like with Azad and Caesar!

Ciel: But then that means what we did was...

Neige: The humans are afraid of being "removed" if they oppose Weil, so he rules unchecked. As long as they stay quiet, they stay safe... But who knows how long before Weil decides to get rid of them too. That's why we've fled from that place. We're heading for the Settlement in Area Zero.

(Y/N): You guys have a settlement there?

Neige: You and Ciel are welcome (Y/N). But, those four can't.


Harpuia: How could you say that? After all we do for you?

Neige: The Settlement is full of people who were caught up in the Reploid war, so they don't take to kindly to Reploids. Humans aren't as strong or friendly as you might think. I won't tell the Caravaners about you guys. Just don't get us involved in anything. Talk to you later.

She then leaves. And the Caravaners drive off.

(Y/N): Wow. They're suffering hard.

Leviathan: Well this really stinks.

Ciel: Now what?

(Y/N): Let's just head back.

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