Twi's Date Reward!!

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(Y/N): Okay Twily, you really saved our butts back there! I swear, you made President Huang and Knightley look like a couple of chumps!

Twilight: I ... I try. I'm not like Mr. Edgeworth though. His logical deduction is far superior to mine.

(Y/N): He don't let that get you down. I bet she could match wits with Franziska! I got a special place for you!

Twilight: Did you have to blindfold me?

(Y/N): Yep! For this!

You bring her to the Library of Congress!

Twilight: HUH?! OH MY CELESTIA!!! It looks so big!

(Y/N): And since I'm the President of the United States, that means you'll be let in.

Twilight: EEEEEE!!!

Needless of me to say this, but boy Twilight had a good time reading so many books, that she soon fell asleep by the time the place had to close...

(Y/N): I hope you loved the dare, Twilight. We all make a good investigative partner.

Twilight: (in sleep) I love you (Y/N). I love you so much.

(Y/N): I love you too, Twily.

You kiss her on the forehead, and you could swear she giggled.

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