End of Serpent!

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You and Aile return to the Command Center of The Guardian Base!

Prairie: (Y/N), Aile! We've tracked down Model W's location. It's in the tallest building right in the center of the country - Slither Inc's head office. I'm detecting a huge concentration of energy amassing within the building. Something big is about to happen. It's going to be dangerous.

Aile: It probably will be, but at this point, we don't have that much of a choice.

(Y/N): She's right. We have to move.

Prairie: Listen, I know it's a little late for this, but... I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you about Giro and his mission to watch over you. Please believe me when I say that we didn't want to deceive you. Giro's face always lit up so much when he talked about you... Giro... He loved you very much.

Aile: Prairie, did you have feelings for him?

Prairie: (flustered) W-WHAT?!

(Y/N): Hey we won't hold it against you. You just look so happy talking about him.

Aile: (Y/N), I'm ready.

(Y/N): Great! Let's end this, for everyone in this country, and the man you both care about!

And with that, you and Aile arrive at Slither Inc.

Both of you take the elevators to a higher ground, and begin to reach the room containing Model W!

But near that room, there was-

(Y/N) and Aile: Cyber-Elves?! Why are there so many?

As you head in, Serpent appears.

Serpent: You must be wondering why we need so many Cyber-elves to awaken Model W... Hmph! I child like you could never understand that! Their fright... It becomes the power that drives Model W!


Serpent then lifts his arms up!

Serpent: Model W, it's time! The despair and fear of this country are yours!

All of the Cyber-Elves break out of the containers and begin to be absorbed!

Serpent: By joining us, the weak are freed from their suffering! The chosen one, Mega Man, will save the people! That is the glory of Project Haven!

Aile: Mega Man will save the people!? How is sacrificing the people of this country going to save them!?

Serpent: Precious misguided little girl. It's time for you to come off of your high horse. Our power is the result of many sacrifices. We are the chosen ones. It is destiny for the last of our kind to rule. Model W is not about destruction. It is about rebirth and evolution! I am the giver of meaning to the lives of people who cannot keep up with the tide of evolution.

(Y/N): The only thing you are is afraid. Afraid of your past. Afraid of yourself and what you've become! Your fear is what drives your desire to rule! You think this is evolution!? Is this really what you want!?

Serpent: You think I'm doing this all out of fear? That's nonsense! The spirits of the people have given me what I need to obtain the power of Model W! Look at her! She's only able to stand before me today thanks to the power of Model Z absorbed from that red Mega Man! Evolution requires sacrifice! The ones who will determine what needs to be sacrificed are the Mega Men!

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