Pushed Forward In Time!/Zero?!

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(Y/N): So, let me get this straight, you three are working on a new device?

Twilight: Yep! You can't fault us unless we try over and over!

(Y/N): Tails?

Tails: Yeah, I didn't think that we would need a test subject, but we got one.

(Y/N): Great! Who is it?

Twilight: Uh ....

Sci-Twi: You, (Y/N).

(Y/N): You don't ... WHAT?!

Tails: It wasn't my idea!

They were creating a wormhole device, due to the fact that some plans from a Utopian Base were found, which belonged to Caesar.

(Y/N): I have the Phantom Ruby, that's enough.

Twilight: And the Ruby can be a reliable power source!

(Y/N): Well, okay. But if this kicks off a long arc, I'll be very unhappy!

Tails: I told you he would have doubts.

Twilight and Sci-Twi: Oh, we won't know until we try!

And so with the power of the Phantom Ruby, you're shot through, though you did get a device to help you return...

(Y/N): Hello? Anyone? Is-

???: HEY! Who's there?

A bunch of soldiers in free uniforms show up!

(Y/N): Woah! Easy! Easy! I'm on your side!! I'm a human. Me human!

The soldiers looked confused.

(Y/N): What? You never saw a human before?

???2: Look, whatever you're doing here, we don't have business wi-


Zero: Hey! How do you know my name? Are you part of Neo Arcadia? Who sent you?

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Zero: Hey! How do you know my name? Are you part of Neo Arcadia? Who sent you?

(Y/N): Huh?

Soldier: Zero, what should we do?

Zero: Whoever you are, I hope you've got a lot of explaining to do. Now come on.

He leads you in.

(Y/N): What is this place? What happened to X?

Zero: X? How do you know about-

(Y/N): We fought against Sigma and his army! Surely, you remember that!

Solider: Sorry, Zero hasn't recovered his memories yet.


You really wanted to give them a stern talking to.

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