Mami's Closure!!

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Mami did the one thing she had left to do. She purchased a knife, and went to a bathroom stall in a restaurant.

Mami: Damn it (Y/N). Did you have to say that? And hit me? I .... GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!

She cuts her arms and continues to cry!

Mami: Love is just a sham! I was never in love! I lost my chance of being a mother!! ALL BECAUSE OF THEM!!! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO RUIN MY FUCKING LIFE?

She cried and laid on the floor.

Then, she began to get ready to stab herself.

Mami: This is the only way, I can truly be free. Goodbye cruel world.

And just as she's about to plunge the knife, you put your arm underneath the knife, and take the pain!

Mami: (Y/N)? What the hell do you want?! WELL?!

(Y/N): Mami? Why are you a bitch?

Mami: Huh?

(Y/N): I want to help you. But I have to know. Who made you like this? There's always another chance. I've helped people before. And you don't have the worst.

Mami: I don't deserve love. It doesn't exist! I tried to ruin you and your entire harem, because you got over me so quickly! I mean, it's like you never cared!

(Y/N): We only dated a month. And come on, I'm not some emo depressed guy. Ever heard of Sasuke Uchiha?

Mami: Who?

(Y/N): Exactly.

Mami: It's my parents. They're so controlling of me! They forced me to break up with my boyfriend! I mean I loved him! And they just ripped him from me! IT'S LIKE THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ME BEING HAPPY!! I was pregnant at that point too ... I just ... I ...

(Y/N): You had a miscarriage?

Mami: Yes. I just, want to be free of them.

(Y/N): Mami, I-

You then begin trying to sense where they are, and-

Mami: (Y/N)?

You teleport out.

Mami: What?

You then return, with blood on your clothes.

Mami: What just happened?

She then sees your phone, with a recording.

It shows you, ripping her father's eyes out!

Mami: Oh my!

And then you shove him into some glass, and cut his legs off!

And then you rip his stomach open and pull out all of his intestines.

Mami: Why? Why wo-

(Y/N): They won't hurt you anymore Mami.

Mami: What about-

She sees another video of you snapping her mother's neck!

Mami: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Heaven's Door.

You write on her, "Mami, I forgive you. I will help you. I promise you, I will show you what true love is."

And then, she cried again, but she was happy.

Mami: (Y/N)!!

She hugs you.

Mami: I ... th-thank you!! THANK YOU!!!

(Y/N): It's okay Mami. In my family, you'll be treated as if you're a goddess. Everything's going to be alright! Now-

Mami: Yes?

(Y/N): Strip.

Mami: Huh?

(Y/N): We got to make sure your new child is born.

She happily removes her clothes, and you teleport her back home.



You both then return, and-

Chizuru: You both good?

(Y/N): Yep.

Mami: Chizuru, you're going to be very happy with him.

She just smiles.

Chizuru: I know.

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