Former Champion!/Rock out!

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All of you continued on the journey, only to run into-

???: Well well, looks like some new trainers are off towards their bright future!

(Y/N): Huh?

A figure appeared above on a cliff.

Alder (Former Unova Region Champion!)

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Alder (Former Unova Region Champion!)

Hilda: Wait! Aren't you Alder?

Alder: Yep, that's me. Former champion of Unova! Remember, it's your bond with your Pokémon that makes you a real trainer. If you don't commit to that, then you might as well not even try! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Fluttershy: I like him.

(Y/N): Sorry, that laugh, it-

You begin to hear Byron's laugh.

(Y/N): Oh brother, I can't stop thinking about that goofball! Thanks, Mr. Alder.

Alder: Anytime! I always love to give advice.

He then takes off.

Misty: Man, he's eccentric!

Rosa: HAHAHAHAHA! And funny!


You all arrive in Virbank City!

(Y/N): Hmm ... where is the-

Loud noise is then heard at a nightclub.

(Y/N): Aaagh! What the hell?

Fluttershy: I think we found our gym.


The Gym Leader was rocking out with her band!


Roxie (The Gym Leader of Virbank City! She's a massive rockstar! Her father is a boat captain, who dreams of being a movie star!)

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Roxie (The Gym Leader of Virbank City! She's a massive rockstar! Her father is a boat captain, who dreams of being a movie star!)

(Y/N): Okay! I'm here to-

Roxie: Okay, take 5 guys. Let me guess, you want to challenge me right?

(Y/N): Yep! So get ready! Put up your dukes! I got the perfect Pokémon!! Go Infernape!

Infernape: YEAH!! I'M FIRED UP!!

Roxie: Impressive. But my Poison Types are really fast! Okay, go Koffing!

Koffing is nearly punched by Infernape, but dodges out of the way!

Roxie: Yeah! That's right! Now use Poison Gas Attack!!

Koffing starts to spray poison, but Infernape uses Flame Wheel!

Koffing keeps moving out of the way over and over and over again.

But then Infernape hits the wall and manages to knock it out in one hit!

Roxie: Agh! Koffing lost!! Alright then, go Whirlipede!!

She sends out Whirlipede, who tries to use poison sting, but Inernape begins prepping Fire Blast!

Roxie: Oh crap. This is going to end badly.

The fire blast instantly knocks out Whirlipede!

(Y/N): Nice try! But I win!

Roxie: Well, at least you gave a good show! Okay then, take this Poison Badge!

Roxie: Well, at least you gave a good show! Okay then, take this Poison Badge!

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(Y/N): Thanks! I also have this!

You give her a paper and a kiss.

(Y/N): See you around, Cutie!

Roxie: W-Wow. He's the charmer. Hahahaha. Okay guys, GET READY!! 

She and her band begin to play once again!!

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