Azad's Return?!

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Caesar had returned to the headquarters of Utopia bearing very very bad news!

Caesar: We have a massive problem.

Madmole: What is it?

Caesar: Your Master has passed away.


Kirin: How did he die? It doesn't make any sense!

Caesar: Not even he could survive the crash of Bakunawa. But I assure you all, he can still return.

Madmole: (with manly tears) HOW?! HE'S DEAD!!!

The mad scientist brought out a vial with some blood.

Caesar: I have his blood available. It's time to restart my old project!

Madmole: Didn't you fail last time? Now you have no more of your soldiers.

Caesar: With the blood of one of our organization's most powerful leaders, he will be the same! I of course know one thing to make him stronger. The memories of his precious sister will have to go!

Madmole: CAESAR!! How could you?! Lord Azad cherished her memories.

Caesar: I'm the genius here! I'm smarter than all of you, and I say that his memories have to go! His emotions, memories, and anything else that made him week will go!

Skullion: I really advise that you don't do that. Sounds very risky a-

Caesar just silences them, and gets to work!

Caesar: SHURORORORORORORORO!! Looks like my army will come to be!!

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