To Eterna City!!/Team Galactic Returns!!

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As everyone continues on the adventure, well you passed by the Valley Windworks, where-

(Y/N): What the?! Team Galactic?

Jack: Who?

(Y/N): I thought they would have stopped. Or-

You go to check things out.

Team Galactic Grunts: AGH!! IT'S HIM!! He's the one who defeated Lord Cyrus!!

(Y/N): So, no Cyrus?

Grunts: You'll pay for what you did!

They begin unleashing Glameows and Zubats!

(Y/N): Brother.

You send out Chimchar, who easily dispatches off the Pokémon and then evolves into Monferno!

(Y/N): Hey Monferno! Use a flame wheel!

Monferno easily knocked out the Grunts!

Monferno: HELL YES! Anyone else wants some?!

???: What's going on o- YOU!!!

It was Mars.

(Y/N): Oh Mars.


She sends out her Purugly!

(Y/N): Must we go through with this?

You send out Slaking!

(Y/N): Slaking, use Hyperbeam!

Slaking blasts Purugly away!

Mars: AGH! I forgot how skilled he is! Everyone! Retreat! Damn it! I already hate working for Saturn, but he's the current one in command!

All of the Galactic Grunts follow her.

(Y/N): Saturn? Oh brother.

Jack: Yo! What's up?

(Y/N): We better get moving. I have a bad feeling about what they could be up to.


You guys then arrive in Eterna City.

(Y/N): And that's basically that.

Misty: Ugh, can't people just not try to take over the world? I mean these guys are already worse than Team Rocket.

(Y/N): I just didn't think that one commander would try to take over after the Boss goes missing! Anyway, I think it's time for Monferno to make his debut!

Jack: Isn't the Gym Leader a Grass Type user?

(Y/N): Yep! That's why!

At the gym...

The whole place looked like a forest!

(Y/N): Oh brother. Time to get searching!

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