Sunsets and Twilights!!

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Twilight and Sci-Twi are trying to wake up Sunset, who is fast asleep. 

Sunset: Agh! Five more minutes. I'll get up, when I get up. 

Twilight: Sunset? 

Sci-Twi: SUNSET!!!

And yet she's still sound asleep. 

Twilight and Sci-Twi: We're not getting anywhere. 

They hold her nose. 


She shakes them off. 

Twilight: You were sound asleep. Come on, let's go do something. 

Sci-Twi: You can't be sleeping all day. 

Sunset: Well, what if I want to sleep all day? 

Twilight and Sci-Twi: We won't let y- 

But then she pulls them both down. 

Sunset: Oh, but I'll make sure you stay with m- 

And then you sneak in. 

(Y/N): Is Sunset awake? 

Twilight and Sci-Twi: She wants to try and sleep with us. 

(Y/N): AWWW!! YURI!!! 

Twilight and Sci-Twi: WHAT?! NO!! 

Sunset: Hey, that's not so bad. You're both cuties! And you're both identical! 

Sci-Twi: Oh no. 

Sunset: Oh yes. 

She slaps Sci-Twi's butt. 

Sci-Twi: (blushing) AAAH!! 

(Y/N): Spicy!! 

Twilight: OH MY!!! 


You bring the girls over to McDonald's. Why? Because you think it would be nice for them to meet Maou, Chiho, Eim, and even Alas! 

Alas: DADDY!! DADDY!! 

Alas appears and hugs you. 

(Y/N): Girls, meet one of my daughters, Alas Ramus. 

Sunset, Twilight, and Sci-Twi: AWWWWWW!! SHE'S SO CUTE!!! 

(Y/N): Her Mom is also a beauty. Though we're not married yet. 

???: Baka. Don't say that out loud! 

Emi appears bringing a bunch of milkshakes and apple pies. 

Emi: Here's your order. And don't try and finish it quickly. 

Sunset: This girl is your- 

(Y/N): Don't say anything about her chest. She's really sensitive about that. 

They wink and nod their heads. 

Sunset: She's kind of cute. Like you three. 

(Y/N): AWWWW!!! 

Twilight and Sci-Twi: HEY!!! 

Emi: Hahahahahahaha. There you go with the ladies. 

(Y/N): It's just my charm. 

Emi: That's for sure. You have "crazy charm." 

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