The Resistence!

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You had explained to Zero everything, and he just listened.

(Y/N): And that's how I know you.

Zero: Right. As for us, a lot has happened.

The two of you enter a lab, where a human scientist is seen working on her experiments...

Zero: Ciel, we have a visitor.

(Y/N): Uh ... hi?

Ciel (A human scientist who was the one who awakened Zero from his sleep! She was the youngest genius in Neo Arcadia, and build Copy X! As the leader of the Resistance, she makes it her duty to protect all humans and Reploids!)

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Ciel (A human scientist who was the one who awakened Zero from his sleep! She was the youngest genius in Neo Arcadia, and build Copy X! As the leader of the Resistance, she makes it her duty to protect all humans and Reploids!)

Ciel: A human? Zero, where did he-

Zero: He was found outside the base.

Ciel: Well hello! I'm Ciel.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) (L/N), believe it or not, I'm a friend of X and Zero.

Ciel: Is that so?

Zero: It's been too long, I don't remember him.

(Y/N): So, this Neo Arcadia. What is it?

Ciel: It's a uption city, it was founded by X. But, you see the Dark Elf, a powerful cyber elf, appeared. X sacrificed himself to stop it. I created a copy of X, but the copy became a tyrant and drove us out.

Zero: I stopped him, and continued to fight against his 4 Guardians, but then-

Ciel: Our last leader, Elpizo, he wanted the Neo Arcadians gone. He destroyed X's body and awoke the Dark Elf. Zero stopped him, but- the Dark Elf, it's out there.

(Y/N): Oh crap!! What about-

Zero: The thing is, Copy X has returned. Along with some scientist named Dr. Weil, and a Reploid named Omega.

(Y/N): That sounds bad! Well, as your friend Zero, I'm here to help! Let's go kick some Neo Arcadian scrap metal!


You and Zero were brought to the transmission room.

Operator: Ms. Ciel, are you sure about this?

Ciel: I have full trust that these two will work fine together.

(Y/N): You bet!

Zero: Just don't slow me down.

Operator: For your first mission, you need to do some scouting. The Neo Arcadians have set up a base near Aegis Volcano.

(Y/N): On it!

Zero: Got it.

Operator 2: Okay! Get ready for transfer.

You both stand in the center, and-


You both head off on the first mission!

Ciel: Good luck you two.

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