Madara and Naraku!

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Madara reached the place of meeting.


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Mt. Hakurei (Current base of operations for Madara and Naraku!)

Madara: How are you holding up?

???: I'm just fine. Though I can still feel the feelings that Onigumo held for Kikyo.

Madara: It's quite romantic. But that's what makes you half-demon, Naraku.

Naraku (The fusion of Onigumo and a swarm of demons! He wants the full Shikon Jewel to become a true demon! He has created minions from his own flesh, which are his incarnations! Very cruel and very evil! He can summon swarms of demons, transform,...

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Naraku (The fusion of Onigumo and a swarm of demons! He wants the full Shikon Jewel to become a true demon! He has created minions from his own flesh, which are his incarnations! Very cruel and very evil! He can summon swarms of demons, transform, and even spread miasma as a poison!)

Naraku: You're sadly correct.

Naraku: I hate the fact I still have those emotions. I cannot kill her because of it.

Madara: Hahahaha! It's also why you have a hard time disciplining your subordinates.

Naraku: Kanna, Kagura, have you both been watching?

Two figures appeared, a little girl, and a beautiful lady with a fan.

Kanna (The first of Naraku's incarnations! She has no emotions whatsoever but cares deeply about her sister Kagura! She carries a mirror that can steal souls, reflect attacks, and create a mirror demon, which has Inuyasha's Tessaiga copied!)

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Kanna (The first of Naraku's incarnations! She has no emotions whatsoever but cares deeply about her sister Kagura! She carries a mirror that can steal souls, reflect attacks, and create a mirror demon, which has Inuyasha's Tessaiga copied!)

Kagura (The second incarnation of Naraku! She's Kanna's sister, who she loves dearly! She despises Naraku with all of her heart, and is forced to follow his commands because he has her heart! Her fan allows her to control the wind, creating powerf...

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Kagura (The second incarnation of Naraku! She's Kanna's sister, who she loves dearly! She despises Naraku with all of her heart, and is forced to follow his commands because he has her heart! Her fan allows her to control the wind, creating powerful gusts, wind blades, and can even revive the dead!)

Kanna: Yes. For some time.

Kagura: We haven't done anything yet. I can s-

She is horrified as Naraku appears close to her.

Naraku: I will know when you lie to me Kagura. Don't even try that anymore.

Kagura: I- understand. I HATE YOU!!

Madara: So, have you found more shards?

Kanna: Not yet. We still have to search. But the boy is here.

Madara: (Y/N) (L/N) is a powerful foe. Don't underestimate him.

Naraku: You would do the same with Inuyasha and his group of friends. They have managed to destroy my barrier before.

Madara: Of course. The jewel will be complete. And I promise, you all will have a place in the new world. Now, the bodies. I have special plans.

Kanna: Right.

Kagura: Okay.

They showed some bodies before him.

Madara: Perfect sacrifices. I will begin the reanimation. And make sure that they don't fail. Okay?

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