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Amy and Pinkie find themselves in a place called Studiopolis!

Pinkie: Wow!! Look at the TVs!! So cool!

She literally placed her face on one of them.

Amy: Pinkie! That's bad for your eyesight!

She pulls Pinkie back and then bashes it with her hammer.

Pinkie: Awww! I was watching that!!

Another TV was seen advertising something called Chaos Cola!

Amy: Now that's just pure advertisement bliss. Who would do something like this?

???: (from the TV audio) Remember, our advertisements are brought to you by the Eggman Empire!

Breezie the Hedgehog (A flirtatious casino owner who is also a protege of Eggman! She runs many of his casinos! Not one of the Skull Egg Bosses, but is very proud that her media is sponsored!)

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Breezie the Hedgehog (A flirtatious casino owner who is also a protege of Eggman! She runs many of his casinos! Not one of the Skull Egg Bosses, but is very proud that her media is sponsored!)

Pinkie: Hey, she must be the hedgehog version of Rarity!

Amy: I wouldn't go far to say that. She's more like Rouge. Maybe she's got an emerald!

In Breezie's Office...

Breezie was just taking calls coming to her office, when she was called out.

???: Why do you feel the need to advertise the emerald we have?

Clove and Cassia were there.

Cassia: Oh what's the big deal Sis? She's just doing what any businesswoman would do.

Breezie: Yes, I mean that's entertainment. How am I supposed to run a powerful media and casino industry if I don't attract attention. Now about those robots of yours.

Clove and Cassia: Don't worry. They won't cause any problems.

Breezie: They're still freaking out my minions. If necessary-

???: BOSS!

The Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad (Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts! These three Badniks were designed to exterminate Sonic, but due to their incompetence and being plain idiots, they were kicked out! They serve Breezie as her chief of...

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The Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad (Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts! These three Badniks were designed to exterminate Sonic, but due to their incompetence and being plain idiots, they were kicked out! They serve Breezie as her chief of security! Coconuts is the brains of the bunch and he's cynical and obsessive when it comes to proving himself! Grounder is the dumbest one, but has a lot of weapons inside of his body! Scratch has a very short temper and is very arrogant and cruel! Despite being smarter than Grounder, he's very gullible!)

Breezie: What is it you idiots?

Scratch: Well, Boss, it's ... uh ...

Grounder: Oh just spit it out!! We got intrudors, I mean dentruder-

Coconuts: WE HAVE INTRUDERS, YOU IDIOTS!!! It's intruders!!!

Breezie: Well what are you waiting for? Deal with them!

SSSSS Squad: Yes, Ma'am!

They then run off!

Cassia: If they don't succeed, we should take matters into our hands.

Clove and Breezie: Agreed.

Shounen Hero Book 7Where stories live. Discover now