Search for Giro!!/New Guardians!!

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You and Aile search around the area, and soon enough, come across the giant snake mech!

It begins to shoot acid breath, and you block it, allowing Aile to shoot at it with her buster arm! 

Aile: Thanks (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): I'll defend, you give it a good blast!! 

Aile: RIGht!! 

It slams it's tail down and tries to lunge, but Aile blasts it again with some charged shots, allowing you to go in and- 

(Y/N): GOT YOU!! 

You split it in half, and it explodes. 

(Y/N): Sometimes, dealing with robots gets annoying. 

Aile: Say, Model X, why did you help me? 

Model X: Do I need a reason to help people? You seemed determined to help that girl even though you've never met her before. I just gave your bravery a little power to back it up.

Aile: Power, huh? Well, whatever you did, it saved my hide. Bravery alone isn't enough to fight those things...

(Y/N): Well, that's true. But you were brave to want to do something, and you showed it. Aile, I can see a brave and determined girl in there. And I know a bunch of other girls who do get scared, and yet they know when to fight. Not everyone can be a super badass, but they have the strength to fight. 

And so, the two of you reached the rendezvous point...

(Y/N): I'm a witness and helper. This transporter has come to take the Biometal Model X, a girl named Prairie needs your help. 

The Guardians leave to go and find Prairie. 

A small scientist named Fleuve came forward. 

Fleuve: Amazing... It looks like you've managed to link up with the Biometal. Anyway, I'm glad it made it to us safe and sound.

Aile: Hey, have you seen Giro? There should have been another transporter. Has he arrived yet?

Fleuve: No. You're the only one that I've seen so far.

One of the soldiers contacts over radio. 

Soldier: This is the rescue squad, we've found the others! We'll treat the wounded and then head on back to HQ.

Fleuve: Hold on. You haven't spotted another transporter out there, have you? Apparently, a transporter has gone missing in the area.

Soldier: Hey! There's some serious smoke rising from the next area. It's totally like someone has fallen under attack!

Aile: WHAT?! NO!! THAT'S GIRO!! 

(Y/N): Fleuve, do you think that Aile can use Model X a bit longer? We're going to find and save Giro. 

Fleuve: What!? You would put the Biometal at risk again!?

Aile: Oh, I see! Now that your precious package is back, you don't care about the guy who risked his life to deliver it!

Fleuve: No, it's not- 

Prairie's voice is then heard. 

Prairie: Wait! Fleuve! Let her go!

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