Heroes vs. Einherjar!

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The missions were then displayed! 

(Y/N): So, what do we have? 

Operator: 1: A large particle beam has been placed at point A-4 by Weil's army. It fires intermittent laser beams destroying everything in the area. It appears to be solar powered. Soon, it'll be within firing range of Area Zero. Cut the power supply to the particle beam before Area Zero comes into its range. 2: We've located Weil's floating fortress. It generates special clouds that become a source of lightning and acid rain. Get on board and ground that floating monstrosity. 3: I've discovered an old Cyber-elf research lab that is over a century old. Some of the failed experiments have been in hibernation since the war... They are starting to wake up, and some of them are quite dangerous. There are and all over the place. Infiltrate and wipe out the enemy. 4: This area used to belong to another resistance group. Now it's being used as a forward base by Weil. I'm detecting plant-like nanomachines. They seem to be thriving on the geothermal energy. At this rate, they'll continue until they engulf Area Zero. Stop them before that happens.

Zero: That's a lot to take in so far. 

(Y/N): Well there's 5 of us. Since I work well with Zero, we should go together. We'll go and stop the erosion going on in the Underground Forest. Fefnir, you should head to the Hibernation Center. Harpuia you should go to stop the Particle Beam, and Leviathan, you should go to the Floating Fortress. 

Harpuia: Very well. 

Fefnir: HAHA! I'll wipe out that piece of scum flunky of Weil! 

Leviathan: I got no complaints then. 

Operator: Right. Get ready for Transfer. 

Ciel: I wish you all the best. 

And the five of you were transferred. 

With you and Zero... 

The forest looked a bit dreary. 

(Y/N): Yep, looks like one of the Einherhar is here. 

You and Zero begin heading inside the forest caverns, with all of the vines growing as you pluck them! 

(Y/N): Well this is strange! 

Zero: No stranger than what Weil will have in store for all of us. Let's go. 

With Harpuia... 

He appears where the Particle Beam is. 

Harpuia: So, this is where Weil has the beam stationed. 

Ciel: Harpuia, are you there? You have to go inside and disable it from there. 

Harpuia: I've got this. 

He moves through, taking out all of the enemies in his path. 

Harpuia: You all are fighting for the wrong man. I'm sorry my brethren. But I will do what I can to protect all of humanity. 

Though he ends up encountering a robotic fire dragon! 


With Fefnir...

Operator: I found a door in a different location with a special lock and it looks like you'll need a card key to open it. This doesn't have any direct bearing on your current mission, but I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to check it out. 

Fefnir: Not in the mood, but I got this! TIME TO BLOW THIS JOINT!! HAHAHAHAHA! DIE!! 

He begins blasting and burning all in his path. 

Fefnir: Alright lackey of Weil, you're in for a beating! 

With Leviathan... 

Leviathan: Okay, those generators have to be around here somewhere. Here goes! 

Leviathan makes her way across other platforms and searches for the generators. 

She does manage to destroy them all, though notices a shadow. 

It was Pegasolta Eclair!

Eclair: I will smite the worthless vermin down below... Lord Weil came up with a plan as beautiful as myself. All ugly things must bow down before me. Pegasolta Eclair will send you to the depths below! 

Leviathan: Oh I get the gay one. 

Eclair: Maybe I'm gay, or maybe stereotypes are bullshit. Hmm. 

He begins to generate lightning from his arms and tries to smite Leviathan, but she summons two ice dragons. 

Leviathan: This is going to be easy! 

With Harpuia... 

Harpuia: Okay, where's the Enemy Leader? 

Heat Genblem appears. 

Genblem: Ragnarok will wake the humans from their stupidity... It is the grand plan of our group under Commander Craft! I am one of the Einherjar warriors, Heat Genblem! I will defeat all who stand in our way!

Harpuia: And I am Sage Harpuia, protector of Humanity! Leader of the Three Guardians. I will smite you! 

He gets his blades ready. 

Genblem: You're old news. Let the new age of Neo Arcadia proceed! 

He heats up his fists! 

With Fefnir... 

Fefnir bursts through the door to encounter Fenri Lunaedge!

Lunaedge: You've kept me waiting, hero. I thought you might have been ripped apart by my helpers. And here I rushed to get everything ready for you. Then again, there are none that can keep up with me! I hope you can at least make things interesting for me. After all, you are a hero.

Fefnir: I am a hero, and you're certainly evil! EVIL TO HUMANITY, THE PEOPLE WE SWORE TO PROTECT! 

Lunaedge: You make the mistake. I am only loyal to Lord Weil! 

Fefnir: And I prefer that. Because, I won't hold back!

With you and Zero... 

The two of you soon encounter Noble Mandrago. 

Mandrago: Oh my, I thought two rats wandered in, but it was just you. You're going to a lot of trouble for the environment. Too bad that trouble will be wasted. You have no hope of stopping Ragnarok. If you're just going to waste energy, give it to me. I'll drain you dry!

(Y/N): That's what you think. 

Zero: Get ready. 

Mandrago: Very well. 

She begins to drill and start attacking from the ground, by throwing some poison. 

But of course, these four make the mistake of underestimating you guys... 

Harpuia manages to impale Genblem, Leviathan freezes and smashes Ecalir, Fefnir burns Lunaedge alive, and you and Zero cut Mandrago apart.

Thanks to that, their plans were foiled. 

The erosion ceased, the Particle Beam was shut down, the acid rain would stop falling, and the threat in the Hibernation Chamber was gone. 

With that, you guys returned to the command center, where bad news would soon come. 

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