Everything Back to Normal!!

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You land back on the mansion, and upon going inside, you had noticed that inside, all of the Senshi were back.

(Y/N): OH MY GOD!!! GIRLS!!!

Senshi: (Y/N)!! 

They all hug and kiss you.

(Y/N): Hahahahaha! I brought someone!

Upon seeing Galaxia, they freaked!

Usagi: What's she doing here?! (Y/N) look out!

(Y/N): No no! It's okay! She's good now! Galaxia was manipulated by a demonic force, the same one who happened to be behind the Dead Moon Circus!

Rei: Is this true?

Galaxia: Y-Yes.

She begins to remove her headdress, and shows her long flowing hair.

Minako: WOW!

Setsuna: She has ... pretty hair.

Galaxia: I appreciate it. I was alone on my home planet, I wanted to be appreciated amongst others, and that's why I was fooled into sacrificing the lives of Sailor Senshi across the universe. I even used my own minions.

Usagi: Oh you poor thing! Here! You need a hug!

Usagi hugs her.

Galaxia: This feels nice. I ... I ... I never had a hug like this.

Chibiusa: Huh? Oh! It's Auntie Galaxia!

(Y/N): HUH?! Chibiusa, what are you talking about?

Chibiusa: Oh you know, Daddy. She's part of your harem!

(Y/N): Really?

Galaxia: I ... I really must thank you for saving me (Y/N).

Hotaru: Are you sure we can trust her? She did kill us.

Rei: Yeah! That really hurt you know.

Makoto: It's kind of our first time dying too.

(Y/N): To be honest, I'm just glad that I don't have to use the Dragonballs this time. I guess eliminating Chaos undid the damage. Hahahahahaha!

Chibiusa: That's my Daddy! A deity who can destroy other deities! So sweet and cool!

(Y/N): Awww! Shucks! I'm touched! Nevertheless, I hope you ladies can give Galaxia another chance, she needs help.

Galaxia: I would ... appreciate it.

Usagi: Of course! You poor thing!

Senshi: Okay, if she doesn't try anything again.

(Y/N): She won't. I promise.

It would take her some time, but Galaxia would get used to being around.

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