Diamond is Unbreakable!

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You had no choice but to check out the crack nearby.

(Y/N): Hmmm... what is this?

GER: Master, this is a portal to another time.

(Y/N): GER, I think that this would technically be a time crack. Well, on the bright side, at least we can use this as a way to-

The minute that you touch the crack, you appear somewhere else!

(Y/N): This can't be. This has to be crazy! I'm in Morioh?! How is this possible?

???: (Y/N) (L/N)! At last I've found you!

Rohan Kishibe (A manga artist who lives in Morioh! He is very arrogant and full of himself, thus he looks down on everyone, with a few exceptions! Stand: Heaven's Door!)

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Rohan Kishibe (A manga artist who lives in Morioh! He is very arrogant and full of himself, thus he looks down on everyone, with a few exceptions! Stand: Heaven's Door!)

(Y/N): Rohan? I don't have time to listen to how you brag about how superior you are. I have t-


Rohan tries to hit you with Heaven's Door!

(Y/N): Agh! You too Rohan?!

As he tries to get you again, you appear behind him, and-


You slap him with your Heaven's Door!

(Y/N): Got you!

He wasn't waking up though.

(Y/N): Man, I must have slapped him hard. Sheesh, sometimes I forget some of these guys are still just human despite being stand users.

You pick him up and go to start looking for answers.

But then, you notice a few little things running off with a corpse part.

(Y/N): Oh no. Dio!! You're really pissing me off here!!

You run off to look for those little creatures.

(Y/N): What kind of Dio am I dealing with here?

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