Attack on Bakunawa!

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You had returned to the palace with the Magister.

(Y/N): Yo! So, I found out a lot of things. I know a way to get Merga to stand down!

Neera: (Y/N), I appreciate your want to help her, but I would say it's ultimately foolish.

Lilac: I agree with (Y/N). There is always a way.

Magister: Give him a chance Neera.

Neera: Very well. I've kind of grown a soft spot for him.

(Y/N): Oh, I've lowered your guard Panda Girl?

Neera: (blushing) I-

Carol: Looks like someone's in love! Hahahahaha!

(Y/N): Carol! You idiot! You can't just go and-

Carol: Yeah, it was stupid. But I got help.

???: That's right minions! We will claim Bakunawa!

It was Serpentine!


You try to punch him, but-

Wendy: No wait! He's on our side now.

(Y/N): Is that true?

Serpentine: I can overtake Bakunawa using Syntax!

Syntax: In terms that even you can understand, I have very superior skills.

(Y/N): How amusing. And how are we going to get that close?

Lilac: We have Mayor Zao's permission to use his ships.

(Y/N): Well, then we have a plan! We attack Bakunawa! And just so you know, Merga is-

Erza: We know. She said so herself. Though Azad could take Bakunawa for himself.

(Y/N): True.

Magister: May good luck be with you. Come back alive.

(Y/N): Of course, Magister!


The ship approaches Bakunawa, which is trying to eat the moon!

You manage to go inside!

Several earth and crystals were surrounding the area!

Neera: Hmph, Askal, you can come out!

Askal comes around on a machine, which is controlled by Aaa.

Aaa: Hey dummies!

Askal: It's time for you to get lost.

(Y/N): You traitor! It's payback time!

Laxus: You think turning on your own people will change anything?!

Askal: Hey, monkey, get ready.


Aaa uses the mining machine to drill in as Askal starts attacking!


You manage to entangle the machine as Laxus moves in!

Laxus: You're not the only earth user I've faced! LIGHTNING DRAGON BREAKDOWN FIST!!

Askal blocks and goes to attack Laxus in the face!

Askal: You can never understand what it means to be a half Earth Dragon! A hybrid! A half breed! I've been ridiculed all my life! Merga will-

Neera: Merga lies! She and Azad are going to destroy the moon!

(Y/N): Kalaw told me! They're going to wipe out all of Avalice!


He punches you three, and then Aaa begins to freak!

Aaa: Watch it! This is a delicate machine! WOAH!!


You hit Askal who is then hit by Neera's scepter, which freezes him down!

Askal: AAAGH!

He breaks free, and tries to go for an attack!


Laxus: Lightning Dragon King Red Lightininng!!

Laxus knocks him to the wall, and then you touch him!

(Y/N): Here!

You generate your memories into him!

Askal: No.... No... DAMN IT!! This is ... they lied! They're going to kill so many innocent lives!

(Y/N): Not just that, Azad will betray Merga and kill her. He hates all Dragons.

Askal: How could I have been so blind?

(Y/N): Hey, everyone has a choice Askal. It can be hard when your boss keeps secrets, but trust me. You made your choice to turn on your people.

Askal: I .... I ....

Neera: He's right. Believe or not Askal, that's the truth.

Laxus: Look, same happened with me. I tried to take over my Guild. I felt that a lot of the members were dragging it down. Especially when they let two enemies in. I hurt my friends, I hurt my master, I left the build. I changed since then. And I still live with regrets. But everyone accepted me back. It's a hard road to change,  it it will be worth it.

(Y/N): Hey, where's the Tarsier?

Milla pops up!

Milla: Don't worry guys! Aaa and I are friends now!

Neera: His name is Aaa?

Aaa: Yeah! I just wanted to go to space and make new friends! But destroying the moon? That's crazy! I don't want that!

(Y/N): Face it. All of us, even Merga have been played. Askal, I'll make sure you get help.

Askal: Tch, thanks.

He opens the path.

Askal: Get going. Take that bastard down!

(Y/N): Right! Let's go!!

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