Turnabout Target (Part 3!!!)

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Knightley approached Nicole, and while you and Twi rushed to help her, Knightley prepared to shoot his gun, only for-

Knightley: AAAAAGH!!

Doe attacked him, and held a knife to his neck!

Knightley: Wha- YOU!!

Doe: Your neck injury has yet to heal, and you've already forgotten?

Knightley: It is you!

Gumshoe: Hey! What are you doing!? Cut it out, pal! You've got some nerve to do that right in front of a detective and a prosecutor!

Knightley: Hey! He's out of your league!

(Y/N) and Twilight: Not out of ours! Who are you?

Knightley: He's ... Shelly de Killer!

Edgeworth: (Y/N), Twilight! Stay away from him! He's a very dangerous man!!

(Y/N): Really?

Twilight: Mr. Edgeworth, how do you know him?

Edgeworth: I was involved in a case concerning him.

De Killer: It's been a while, Prosecutor Edgeworth. Although, I do believe this is our first face-to-face meeting...

Kay: So you were the real assassin!!

De Killer: Correct. I received a request from a key individual... ...to take the president's life... I'm glad I hid a knife inside my bandage before I entered the park. Even though my calculations were a little off.

Edgeworth: So he really wasn't the one holding the gun.

de Killer: Now, Mr. Knightley. Shall we play that game you love so much? Of course, the stakes will be your life.

Knightley: ...What are your demands?

de Killer: ...I want you to relinquish investigative authority back to Prosecutor Edgeworth and his friends.

Everyone: What?

Knightley: Damn you de Killer! What do you want?

de Killer: Rooke is an opponent who is connected to me by fate. I would like to discover the truth about his death. When that man died, the investigative authority was transferred to you. I am simply asking you to give it back to this prosecutor. With your life at stake, this really isn't the time to be stubborn.

Knightley: Why you... You're just using the investigation to get close to the president!

de Killer: And what if I am? Indeed, in order to continue the investigation... ...it is necessary that we enter the president's plane.

Knightley: I won't allow this to happen!! I'm in charge now!

De Killer: Rooke was much more capable than you.


De Killer: Very well. In that case, please exercise judgment befitting of a leader. You can lose your life here needlessly, or will you allow the investigation to continue?

Knightley: Fine!

(Y/N): Hey Gumshoe! Gather as many officers as you can! We don't want this bastard trying anything!

Gumshoe: Got it! I'm on the case, Pal!

He runs off.

Inside the plane...

The President was nowhere.

De Killer: Still a coward I see. He's behind his personal door.

Knightley: You think he'd just show himself in front of a hitman!? Ha ha ha ha! Not a chance!

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