Attack on the Settlement!!

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The entire team returns back. 

(Y/N): We're back! 

Operator: Well done. 

Ciel: You all excellent work. Artificial plants... How ironic that the very technology meant to protect nature is destroying it. Humans are capable of the most wonderful and the most terrifying things with the power of science. As a scientist, it makes me shiver just thinking about it.

(Y/N): Well, it's pretty scary when you think about it. 

Harpuia: The particle beam has been disrupted. I find the officer in charge to be very dishonorable. 

Leviathan: You think that was bad? I dealt with a Reploid who's even prettier than you Harpuia. 

Fefnir: HA! The guy I dealt with was boring. 

Zero: You can argue about things later. We still have four others to deal with. 

(Y/N): True. Four more of the Einherjar remain. And then of course, there's Craft. 

But then the Operator notices something on their computer.

Operator: Wait, I'm getting something. These are Reploids, Weil's Reploids, and they're heading for the Settlement!

Everyone: WHAT?! 

Zero: Operator, you have to transfer us. 

(Y/N): I'm a bit skeptical after the way they kicked us out after we tried to warn them. 

Fefnir: Yeah, you did really say horrible things to them.

Harpuia: But, you were sticking up for us. And you're a human yourself. 

(Y/N): Yeah. Well, they also yelled at Ciel too. 

Ciel: Hehehehe. 

(Y/N): But, we can't let Weil do whatever he wants to them! So let's go! 

Operator: I've got the coordinates. Now get going and save them. 


The five of you arrive at the Settlement and notice Weil's army. 

They start to attack, but well, knowing what they're up against, you readers know they don't have a chance. 

(Y/N): Obviously. 

Leviathan: Can't you guys put up a better fight? 

Fefnir: Well, at least they'll make a good thrashing!! 

Harpuia: Looks like we should leave Fefnir and Leviathan to this. 

You, Zero, and Harpuia go to rescue ones trapped in tents... 

But they're still hostile. 



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