Find the Biometals!

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You and Aile return to the Guardian Base. 

Aile: I'm such a fool. Giro knew I was in over my head and tried to stop me, but I rushed in anyway. Giro saved me again... Why did I have to be the one to make it out alive?

(Y/N): Aile, don't say that. Giro loved you. He was like your older brother. And he never stopped caring for you. I only knew him what, a few hours? And yet, I could tell, I could tell what kind of person he was. So please, don't be like that. I swore I would take care of you. And that's what I'll do. It's us against Serpent and his army. Okay? 

Aile just smiled and hugged you. 

Aile: (Y/N), thank you. 

She begins to cry, but she was happy. 

Aile: Am I really falling in love with him? 

Prairie: (Y/N), Aile. Are you both okay? 

(Y/N): Yeah, what's up Prairie? 

Prairie: We've analyzed the data and foud out a few things. Model W has the power to corrupt machines and humans alike. That's what has been causing the Maverick outbreaks. But Serpent only has the Model W Biometal fragment now. The Model W Core is lying dormant somewhere waiting to be awoken. I'm not sure what that Project Haven Serpent mentioned is... But I think he's going to try and awaken Model W.

Aile: He's going to try and sacrifice everyone. I won't let that happen! Where is the Model W Core now?

Prairie: I'm not sure... Some of the data was corrupt and we couldn't complete the analysis. What I do know is that the six passwords encoded into the Biometal fragments are the keys. Combined they will unlock the seal that contains the core. I managed to get Model X and Model Z first...

(Y/N): Serpent must have the other 4. But we need to take on his army to find them. 

Prairie: I'll formulate a mission plan. Right now, get some rest. (Y/N), Aile, don't let Giro's sacrifice be in vain. 

And soon enough... 

You both look at the available missions. 

(Y/N): Hmmm ... apparently in Area E, a Power Plant is seen still running? Let's hurry. 

At Area E... 

Prairie: The plant... It's still active and producing energy. According to the database, it has been offline ever since the Maverick raid. There's something fishy going on. Be careful. 

(Y/N): Why would Serpent want to use this? 

Aile: I don't know. We better check it out. 

You and Aile head deeper into the Power Plant, avoiding any electric currents, and various traps set by Serpent's Maverick minions. 

(Y/N): he really do- AGH! 

Aile: Wha- AGH! 

There was a room with several Cyber Elves!

(Y/N): Cyber-Elves?! Why are there so many? 

Aile: What's a Cyber Elf? 

(Y/N): Sentient programs created with pure energy and made in the image of elves. I don't understand why there are so many of them here. That power plant... It must be using the Cyber-elves to generate power!

Aile: It looks like we found out what's up with this place.

(Y/N): THAT BASTARD! Aile, we're shutting this place down. 

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