Return to the Present!/Kikyo!

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With the threat of Naraku finally gone, well, it was time to go separate ways!

(Y/N): Well, this is it! It's been a fun ride. But it's time to head back.

Inuyasha: I suppose, I do have to say one thing.

Jack: What's that Mutt Boy?

Inuyasha: I guess for humans, you're both not half bad. I suppose. THAT DOESN'T MAKE US FRIENDS!!!

(Y/N): We never said anything about being friends, Nincompoop.

Inuyasha just smirks back at that.

Inuyasha: Next time, why don't we see who's better?

(Y/N): You're on Inuyasha! Oh, and Miroku, hopefully you find a girl, who's .... Not turned off by you. Bear many children.

Miroku: I will take your advice to heart.

Sango: (Y/N), shouldn't you have-

(Y/N): You can't change a perv once he starts perving.

Kagome: I guess .. that's one philosophy.

Shippo: HEY! What about me? Anything to say to me?

Jack: Yeah, Shippo, never grow up.

Shippo: I can live with that! I'll be a kid forever!

(Y/N): Jack!

Jack: What? He's fine like that. I mean he can't possibly-

He then turns into a girl with orange hair!

Shippo: (in a very familiar voice) Hi Big Brother!

He just punches him!

Jack: Never turn into my sister, ever again!

(Y/N): Why did you have to tell him what Orihime looked like?

Jack: I didn't think he'd do that! There's always a form of a troll out there, whether it's Happy or someone else.


You and Jack return, and bring Kagome back.

(Y/N): You okay Kagome?

Kagome: Yeah, it feels good to be back. Hopefully the well won't be closed up. I feel we could go back at any time.

Jack: I can name a lot of reasons why and why not to go back.

(Y/N): Like what?

Jack: Tampering with the past. I don't want more demons running around or anything. Especially if-

Kagome: Hey! You just need to relax a bit more Jack! Plus!

She gives you a kiss on the cheek.

Kagome: I got to make sure my new boyfriend doesn't freak out.

(Y/N): Heh, sorry, I guess I lost it. Thanks Kagome.

Kagome: (blushing) Hahahahahaha! That was nothing!

???: What are you three doing? It's not safe around the well. Children could drown.

(Y/N): Sorry, Ma'am. I- Huh?!

Kagome: WHAT THE?!

Kikyo (Former Lover of Inuyasha! She died due to Naraku's causes! However, her spirit still lives on! How she is here, remains to be revealed!)

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Kikyo (Former Lover of Inuyasha! She died due to Naraku's causes! However, her spirit still lives on! How she is here, remains to be revealed!)

Kikyo: I suggest you leave it alone.

(Y/N), Jack, and Kagome: YES MA'AM!!

All three of you leave.

Kagome: That was strange.

Jack: Really strange.

(Y/N): Let's just go back home, and forget that.

Just how did Kikyo arrive? Stranger things are definitely happening now.

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