The Einherjar!

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You return to the command center in the truck, and begin conversing with everyone.

(Y/N): So, do you know anything about Area Zero?

Ciel: Yes... It's not far from here. Neige and the others should arrive there soon. Area Zero is the site in the Maverick Wars, where the space colony Eurasia crashed... Many lives were lost there...

(Y/N): I think I remember hearing something like that! Zero, you and X were involved in that incident!!

Zero: Area Zero is the painful reminder of a war long past... Humans are living there now?

Operator: Data about Area Zero has been sent from the Resistance Base. Since the crash of the space colony, the section has been sealed off, but apparently the land has been renewed in that time and nature is becoming more and more abundant.

Ciel: Nature is coming back to Area Zero?!

Operator: It's said to be due to an environmental system still left active after the crash. It's not much, but it still means hope for humanity.

Harpuia: Did you find the settlement?

Operator: There was not enough data to pinpoint an exact location. We need to conduct a closer investigation of Area Zero.

(Y/N): I'll go check it out! Zero and the Guardians can provide backup.

Operator: Good. Get ready to transfer.

And so...

You enter a shady forest area.

(Y/N): Is this Area Zero? What now Ciel?

Ciel: You should head deeper into the colony up ahead.

(Y/N): Got it! Time to find out what Weil's up to.

You head deep into the colony, passing by waterfalls and searching the remains!

(Y/N): Better be careful. I don't know i-

???: Kyakya! Why sweat the small stuff! I'm all for crushing Area Zero, but this is taking forever. I guess I don't have much choice but to follow Lord Weil's plan.

A bird-like voice was behind the door.

You then enter.

(Y/N): Heh, it's just some grunt

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(Y/N): Heh, it's just some grunt.

???: KYA! WHO DARES CALL ME A GRUNT?! Who are you? And where did you come from? I'll teach you to come in here and insult me! Kyakya!

(Y/N): Bring it on Bird Brain!

???: Kyakya! Now I'm mad! Come on! I'll show you! Kakya!

???2: Don't spoil the fun Cocapetri.

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