Missile Launch!

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You and Zero returned back to the base.

(Y/N): Missions are complete!

Ciel: So, it was just the Baby Elves?

(Y/N): Seems that way. What about the missile factory?

Ciel: We had to calculate the transfer coordinates for the missile factory based on old satellite photographs. ... So the coordinates would be too dangerous to use as a direct transfer route.

Operator 2: The land route to the missile factory is also dangerous, due to the scout patrols that are searching the area. We're scanning for the Dark Elf, but no luck yet.

(Y/N): Right.

Zero: Just let us know when you found something.

Three figures are seen walking into the throne room of Copy X, ruler of Neo Arcadia.

Fairy Leviathan (One of Copy X's Bodyguards! She has the power of water and ice! She's not a fan of violence, but has enjoyed fighting Zero! Seems to be the flirtatious type! Refers to her older brothers as the Combat Nerd and the Pretty Boy!)

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Fairy Leviathan (One of Copy X's Bodyguards! She has the power of water and ice! She's not a fan of violence, but has enjoyed fighting Zero! Seems to be the flirtatious type! Refers to her older brothers as the Combat Nerd and the Pretty Boy!)

Fairy Leviathan (One of Copy X's Bodyguards! She has the power of water and ice! She's not a fan of violence, but has enjoyed fighting Zero! Seems to be the flirtatious type! Refers to her older brothers as the Combat Nerd and the Pretty Boy!)

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Fighting Fefnir (One of Copy X's Bodyguards! The guy seems to love weaponry! He has a high code of honor and hates cheap tricks! Prefers to fight one-on-one!)

Sage Harpuia (Leader of Copy X's Bodyguards, and head of the Neo Arcadian Army! He was once a stoic and stubborn Reploid who followed his master's commands loyally, but now has a sense of fairness and Justice on his side!)

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Sage Harpuia (Leader of Copy X's Bodyguards, and head of the Neo Arcadian Army! He was once a stoic and stubborn Reploid who followed his master's commands loyally, but now has a sense of fairness and Justice on his side!)

Leviathan: Hey, Harpuia, you do realize what will happen if we continue to anger Master X right?

Harpuia: Of course I do, but I-

Fefnir: I just don't get it why he would trust Weil! That guy caused damage to Neo Arcadia enough! We're supposed to be the true Utopia! I love fighting, but senseless violence? No thank you!

Harpuia: (sarcastically) Right, thank you Fefnir.

???: My Guardians. Do you come to ask something?

Copy X (The clone of X, created by Ciel! He's pretty much X without his heroic traits! He claims to fight for humanity's sake, but sacrifices Reploids just to get to his goal! He's been rebuilt by Weil, and now stutters!)

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Copy X (The clone of X, created by Ciel! He's pretty much X without his heroic traits! He claims to fight for humanity's sake, but sacrifices Reploids just to get to his goal! He's been rebuilt by Weil, and now stutters!)

Harpuia: Master X ... do you still trust him? Do you still trust Dr. Weil?

Copy X: His banishment did not follow official ch-channels. Just because what he did resulted i-in a terrible calamity... Do-does not mean that banishing him was justified. He has returned to Neo Arcadia in a legal manner. What reason-n is there to drive him out? Don't worr-rr-rry. He learned many things from his mistakes of the past. He'll do things right th-this time.

???: Oh why thank you, Master X.

Weil then appears.

Weil: Hehehe... Thank you, Master X. I, Dr. Weil, shall never repeat my past mistakes. Never again. Yes. Hehehe... Still, to gossip about me behind my back... My, how the almighty Four Guardians have fallen!

Harpuia: WEIL!!


Leviathan: You claim you won't repeat your past mistakes? What about sicking your pet, Omega, onto us?!

Weil: Why, I can't help it. Omega is simply far more skilled than any of you. Master X. The Dark Elf has appeared in Neo Arcadia. Area Z-3079. It's the farthest area from here. A human residential district.

Harpuia: We'll go. Fefnir, Leviathan, you ready?

Fefnir: Hell yeah! We'll show you we still have what it takes!

Leviathan: Of course. I'm always ready.

Copy X: Harpuia, how long do you plan to act like you're in charge? Letting th-the Resistance get away with countless uprisings... Even letting the Dark Elf escape... I'm tired of useless p-people like you. The Four Guardians are going to be stepped down.

Guardians: WHAT?! BUT MASTER X!!!

Copy X: Dr. Weil... I'm entrusting you with the leadership of our ar-armies. Will you accept?

Dr. Weil: Hehehehe... Yes sir! I will capture the Dark Elf, without fail... ...Before she falls into the hands of the Resistance and becomes a threat to this world...

The three guardians looked sick of looking at Weil. And the man they admired, Copy X, they were hurt.

Back at the Resistance Base...

Operator 2: Preparations have begun for the launch of the missile. We do not know the target area, but we are attempting to hack our way in and find out. A tremendous energy is emanating from the missile. It seems that Omega is on board.

Ciel: Omega?!

(Y/N): That thing is on board it?!

Zero: We'll have to hurry, then. Ciel, input the coordinates!

Ciel: I can't do that! That's dangerous! You'll both get yourselves killed!

Zero: Operator, hurry up the transfer.

Ciel: Zero, I-

Zero: Just believe.

(Y/N): Besides, Zero and I are strong! We got this!

Ciel: Okay... ... Enter... the data... Please, transfer them.

Operator: Understood!


Both you and Zero were then transferred.

Ciel: (Y/N), Zero, don't die.

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