Death of a Legend!!

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Back at the Command Room, you guys get a message from the Soldiers that they have found and rescued humans from the wreckage of Neo Arcadia!

Soldier: Colbor Team here! Mission complete, Ciel! The humans and Reploids have been evacuated! Neo Arcadia has been eradicated by Ragnarok's attack... There is nothing but a crater in the center where Weil was. I doubt there were any survivors in that area...

Ciel: I see... Good work everyone... Continue to search for any survivors...

Soldier: Understood. 

Then, out of nowhere, Neige appeared!

Neige: (Y/N). 

(Y/N): Neige. It was just like you said... It doesn't matter what I do, as long as I keep fighting, I'm no different from Weil. And I...I had to fight Craft...

Neige: No ... (Y/N), I want to thank you for stopping Craft. 

(Y/N): Really? 

Zero: Of course, it would work out. 

Soon, everything begins to shake! 

(Y/N): WHAT THE?! 

Harpuia: What was that Operator? 

Operator: It came from Ragnarok, it's still operational! 

Ciel: But Weil and Craft are gone! Who could be controlling it!? 

Operator: That's not all! It's heading towards Area Zero! Someone's trying to crash it! 

(Y/N): Then there's only one way to end this! Zero! 

Zero: Right. 

You prepare to teleport. 

Ciel: WAIT! D- 

You both teleport. 

Ciel: Please ... come back. 

And so... 

Both you and Zero reach the Core. It looked like a sword. 

Zero: Is this the core? 

(Y/N): I guess. 

???: Hehehe... Welcome to your front seat for the end of the world!

(Y/N): WEIL?! 

Weil appears out of nowhere!

Zero: How did ou survive the destruction of Neo Arcadia? 

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Zero: How did ou survive the destruction of Neo Arcadia? 

Weil: Survive? That's easy... Because I can't die!

(Y/N): WHAT?! But you're a human! How does your body look like that?! 

Weil: When the Dark Elf took control of the Reploids and destroyed the Mavericks in the Elf Wars... The humans of the time modified me... They transferred all of my memories into program data... And switched my body for this armor with the power to rejuvenate me... Do you have any idea what that means? I can't age, and wounds heal more quickly than normal. After the war, I was cursed to live an eternity in a world without light or nature... The humans expelled me from Neo Arcadia! Justice!? Freedom!? Worthless ideals! You Reploids are just machines, but you started a war a long time ago in the name of freedom! And humans! Look what they did to me! Driving me away while spouting the word "justice!" Zero, would you insist on saving them!? Controlling the Reploids is nothing! The destruction of all mankind is only fleeting! Not quite alive... Not quite dead... Forever, by my side! I'll make you suffer a fate far greater than anything ever experienced before! And you, boy! I'll make sure you join your brethren! 

He then begins to fuse with the core of Ragnarok!

Weil: Bwahahaha! I'll teach you there is no place for fools to hide! Fools must live under my rule and my rule alone! Thanks to Ragnarok! Ideals are utter nonsense!

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Weil: Bwahahaha! I'll teach you there is no place for fools to hide! Fools must live under my rule and my rule alone! Thanks to Ragnarok! Ideals are utter nonsense!

He begins to attack by summoning giant boulders, and you and Zero attack him! 

Weil sends a rain of electric swords down, which you shield Zero from! 


He summons the Eight Gentle Judges to attack, and you dodge, and attack him! 

Both you and Zero attack and attack and attack as Weil fires back. 

But then- 

Weil: Most impressive, heroes. 

He explodes, and the room comes apart as Ragnarok continues to fall. 

Zero: It's getting even faster. 


(Y/N) and Zero: WEIL!!!

Weil: Hehehe... Bwahahaha! I told you... I can't die! Nobody can stop Ragnarok now! DO YOU SEE THIS PAIN?! YOU CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND IT!!! 

He causes all of the machines to fuse to his body! 

He causes all of the machines to fuse to his body! 

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(Y/N): WHAT NOW?! 

Zero: This is how it must end. (Y/N), you go. I must end this. 

(Y/N): ZERO! NO! I'M NOT- 

Zero: I will end this. I will fight who those I believe in. 


(Y/N): ZERO, N- 

He pushes you off. 

(Y/N:) ZERO!!! 

Zero: You have a better place in the future. 

Zero rushes at Weil, who attacks him constantly with lasers, and other various attacks! 

But then- 

Zero reaches in and stabs Weil! 



Zero closes his eyes as he and Weil both explode together! 

Ragnarok burns up and collapses impacting hard on the ground. 

You fall down near Area Zero... 

(Y/N): Zero?! ZERO?! 

You look around for him, and see only his helmet. 

(Y/N): You did it Zero. Good riddance. 

And so... 

You returned to the Settlement where everyone was shocked. Ciel was crying, many of the humans looked down, hell the Guardians looked upset too. 

Zero was gone. But, he saved everyone. Thanks to him, Weil and Neo Arcadia were no more. 

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