The Legend of the Jusenkyo!!

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(Y/N): It's true. Those who are cursed by the springs in Jusenkyo, China, would be transformed into what was drowned in there. The only way to turn back is to be splashed with hot water. This isn't a permanent cure though, because if someone is splashed by cold water, they turn back into the cursed form. This training ground is located in the Qinghai Province and is a legendary training ground.

The class was certainly interesting, considering you were doing a report on a very very famous spot in China, which has been passed down through legend after legend.

Nanako: How nice (Y/N). Do you think you can inform us on some known springs? And extra credit to you if you can say them in Chinese!

Students: Wait really? Oh brother.

(Y/N): Okay, here goes. (Clears throat) We have, xióngmāonìquán, spring of drowned panda, niángnìquán, spring of drowned girl, nánnìquán, spring of drowned man, hēitúnnìquán, spring of drowned black piggy, māonìquán, spring of drowned cat, yāzǐnìquán, spring of drowned duck, qīngwānìquán, spring or drowned frog, níuhèmánmáorénnìquán, spring of drowned yeti riding bull carrying crane and eel, zhāngyúnìquán, spring of drowned octopus, shuāngshēngérnìquán, spring of drowned twins, āxiūluónìquán, spring of drowned warrior goddess, and héshàngnìquán, spring of drowned Buddhist priest.

Class: Wow! That's a lot!!

(Y/N): Yep.

Nanako: I think you deserve that A++! Great work (Y/N).

The class wasn't even that jealous. They were just intrigued by everything you mentioned.


Jack: So, is it really true? All those people drowned and the springs curse those that fall in?

(Y/N): Yep. I did receive a message from this one guy, a martial artist named Ranma Saotome. He heard about my abilities and thinks he can remove the curse placed on him.

Jack: So, does he turn into a cat? A duck?

(Y/N): No, he fell in niángnìquán.

Jack: Oh boy. It must be hard to take a bath in the women's side.

(Y/N): HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I know. I know. But seriously, we should find him soon.

And so...

???: About time you got here. I'm missing lunch.

Ranma Saotome (Martial Artist! He and his Dad Genma went on a training journey on the bath to manhood, as was agreed with Ranma's mother! He fell into the spring of drowned girl, and now becomes a big busty teenage girl when splashed with cold wat...

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Ranma Saotome (Martial Artist! He and his Dad Genma went on a training journey on the bath to manhood, as was agreed with Ranma's mother! He fell into the spring of drowned girl, and now becomes a big busty teenage girl when splashed with cold water! He can be kind of an egotistical jerk, but he has his code of honor, and usually tries to make up for his mistakes! Engaged to Akane Tendo!)

(Y/N): So, you really want to go through with this?

Ranma: Yes! I mean, it's a hassle when your life has so much hijinks.

Jack: Wait, before we go through with this. I have to see this!

(Y/N): Okay, if you insist Jack. Ranma, I'm sorry.

Ranma: Just get it over with. It's to be believed, when seen.

You throw a bucket of cold water on Ranma and-

???: Happy?

Jack: WOAH!! It actually worked! You got the boobs and everything

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Jack: WOAH!! It actually worked! You got the boobs and everything.

Ranma: Yeah yeah! Let's do this already.

(Y/N): Okay. Here goes.

You begin to tap into your powers, and then start using some of the Infinity Gems, mainly the mind, reality, and space stones!

(Y/N): With the power of these gems, I will cure you of your curse, you will no longer be a busty girl, but a powerful and strong martial artist, you will be free of your transgresses! You will be freed!

And then-

Ranma appears in his male body!


He then gives you a big pat on the back!

Ranma: You my friend have given me eternal gratitude! Thank you very much!

(Y/N): Anytime. Also, I can't believe it worked.

Jack: Uh, you guys. What about that?

???: Ugh, what happened? Huh?

Ranma: What the?!

His female form is soon in front of them.


Jack: This is ... uh ... quite surprising.

(Y/N): I think I might have gone a bit too far.

Ranma: I ... what to make of this?

Girl Ranma: We actually split up?

Jack: Ha! Congrats Ranma, you're officially a big brother!



(Y/N): Hey, I'm not complaining. It's a success.

Ranma: On the bright side, I guess we have our own problems now.

Girl Ranma: In a way, we kind of do.

(Y/N): Hey, any other assistance I can help with?

Ranma and Girl Ranma: Trust us, yes.

And from here on, the hijinks would continue.

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