A World of Unspeakable Magic!!/Azad's Next Move!!

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And now, Azad had much bigger plans. 

Azad: Caesar? 

Caesar: Yes, it's all ready to go. Now what? 

Azad: Make sure nothing happens to the portal. I'm going in. 

Caesar: You sure you want to bring more back up? 

Azad: I'm fine with my group right now. 

Envy, Skullion, Kimblee, and four men in Amestrian Military uniforms soon joined them. 

Azad: Are you ready little one? 

White Hood: Yes. Will terminate anyone. 

Envy: I still question why you would bring that kid along. 

Azad: She is bred to be a child soldier. All thanks to the works of Jacques. 

Kimblee: You actually kept him around to make clones of her didn't you? 

Azad: He has his uses. Like I said. Now, let's go. I'm in the mood for getting more magic power. 

???: Wait, let me come. 

Mimi soon appears. 

Azad: Mimi. Your condition looks- 

Mimi: No, I'm ready for this! I'll strangle that man's neck for what he did to Lady Selene! 

Caesar: I don't know how to say this, but her arms are getting more and more crystalized. 

Azad: Well look at me, I'm becoming more and more of a dragon. I even have freaking wings! 

Caesar: What else can I say? 


You proceed to use the Phantom Ruby to open up a portal. 

(Y/N): I have the worst fears pal. We have to go. 

Jack: You and your hunches. Okay okay. I mean, we got to beat up a pervert last time, so why not go to another dimension after befriending a martial artist, and you picking up two cute martial artists, an Okonomiyaki chef, and a super genki Chinese Amazon chick? 

(Y/N): Right. Let's just hope for the best. 

And with that, you both go in... 

The world looked more cartoony than usual. 

Jack: Neat school. And that statue. Hmmm ... 

(Y/N): What about it? 

Jack: I don't know, but I think it's- 

He looks inside, only to be met with a bop on the face. 

???: WOAH! Sorry about that. 

(Y/N): Huh? 

???: I guess no one expects magical portals all the time. 

(Y/N): Okay, note to self everyone in this dimension has different skin colors despite being human

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(Y/N): Okay, note to self everyone in this dimension has different skin colors despite being human. 

Girl: Dimension? What are you talking about? 

(Y/N): Uh ... nothing! 

Jack: Oh just say it. I mean she came out of a mirror portal. I'm Jack Inoue, and this is (Y/N) (L/N), my best friend. 

(Y/N): Hi! 

Girl: Oh, (Y/N), Jackson, nice to meet you both. I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I come from Equestria. 

(Y/N): What's an Equestria? Is it a world of horses that talk? 

Twilight: Ponies to be exact. You see- 

She goes on a long talk about her world... 

Twilight: And that's pretty much what I went through. Speaking of, I got to wait for my assistants to come by. Hey, Starlight? Spike? Are you both in there? 

???: INCOMING!! 

???2: Gangway! 

She moves out of the way for two others to come out. 

???: Well, it feels good to be back!

Spike (Twilight's Assistant! He is a baby dragon in Equestria!) 

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Spike (Twilight's Assistant! He is a baby dragon in Equestria!) 

Jack: Well we have lots of talking cats, why not a talking dog? 

(Y/N): Heh, he's kind of cute. Not as cute as Zwei though. 

Jack: That we can agree on. 

He then began to think about Blake getting scared of Spike and Weiss petting him. 

???2: So, you guys are? 

Starlight Glimmer (Twilight's other assistant and pupil! She was once a dictator who ruled over a village by putting up a kind facade and erasing cutie marks, though her reasons were kind of justified given her past! She then sought payback on Twi...

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Starlight Glimmer (Twilight's other assistant and pupil! She was once a dictator who ruled over a village by putting up a kind facade and erasing cutie marks, though her reasons were kind of justified given her past! She then sought payback on Twilight via time travel, but was convinced to stop!) 

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and that's Jackson Inoue. 

Jack: We're from Japan. 

Twilight: What's a Japan? 

(Y/N): It's a country. That's where sushi, sumo wrestling, sake, anime, manga, etc. come from. 

Spike: Now I'm really lost. 

Starlight: You guys are from a different realm right? 

(Y/N): Universe. Potato PoTAto. 

Twilight: Right. Well, Spike, Starlight and I came here because we sensed some pretty powerful magic force here. 

(Y/N): Hey same as us. What was your next move? 

Jack: We were just going to try and look for anyone who might be suspicious. 

Twilight: Don't fret. I have a group of friends here. I know they'll be happy to help! 

(Y/N): Great! Then let's get going! Excelsior! 

Jack: Jut roll with it. It's from our world. We've been through a lot worse.

Equestrian Trio: We'll just take your word for it. 

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