Attack on the Guardian Base!

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You and Aile return to the Guardian Base to find it under attack by Serpent's men!

(Y/N): Aile, you go and protect Prairie and the others! I'll take care of them!

Aile: B-But (Y/N), we-

(Y/N): I'll be just fine.

With that, you head to the deck.

(Y/N): Okay, what's up with th-

The ships begin to send out transport cranes which dispatch Mavericks!

(Y/N): Here goes!! HA!!

You go SSJ and begin to tear apart the transport cranes, as well as destroy the Mavericks on board!

(Y/N): Okay, I think they sh-

But one crane sends out two familiar figures!

(Y/N): Prometheus and Pandora?!

You immediately contact Aile.

(Y/N): Aile, Prometheus and Pandora are on board! We have to go after them!

Aile: What?! Okay, I'm coming!

In the engine room...

You and Aile arrive to see the two evil Reploids.

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(Y/N): There you are!

Pandora: Is that ... the girl from before? She has Model X and Model Z combined together.

Prometheus: Or should we just say Model ZX now? I came here to crush the Guardians once and for all, but it's such a shame it has to end so easily. I'll find out whether or not you're worthy of being pawns in his grand game!

(Y/N): What game? What's going on?

Aile: (Y/N), they're probably just spouting nonsense.

(Y/N): Aile, stand back. I can take him.

Aile: (Y/N), no!

Pandora: Prometheus... It's not fair...

Prometheus: Don't worry, I'll be sure to leave some fun for you. That is unless he's too fragile and gets blown to pieces.

Pandora leaves and Prometheus takes out his scythe.

(Y/N): This is for Giro, the good man you killed!

Prometheus first attacked and you blocked with Excalibur!

(Y/N): Sorry, but you can't break Excalibur!

Prometheus: Don't start getting cocky on me! I'll chop you to bits!

He begins to emit flames from his weapon and then sends out four flaming fiery skulls, which attack!!

(Y/N): Woah!! WIND SCAR!!

You unleash a mighty gust of wind from the Holy Sword.

(Y/N): I picked that up from a certain idiotic dog boy.

Prometheus: Cute. But I still got more!!

He unleashes blades from the walls, and sets them on fire!

(Y/N): Oh no you don't! KAIOKEN!!

Prometheus: Kaio-What?

You sock him and then pin him down!

(Y/N): Had enough asshole?

Prometheus teleports back.

Prometheus: Interesting... You're more powerful than I expected. You are worthy of being one of us. Consider yourself part of the game!

(Y/N): One of you? You're joking right?

Prometheus: I wouldn't joke about something. After all the data found on you, I thought you'd be perfect. You don't have a Biometal, but you're a chosen one alright! And girl, I hope to see what you can do too! Come when you're ready. Model W will be waiting with open arms.

He then teleports away.

Aile: What is he- (Y/N), we have to talk to Prairie.

(Y/N): You're right. I have many suspicions about those two. Why are they so interested in us?

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