Welcome Ladies!!

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You arrived home so that you could introduce Kinue to your new friend, and girlfriends.

Kinue: Oh! Hello, you all look like such nice people.

Ranma: Uh, (Y/N), why is your Mom so-

(Y/N): Because she is.

Ranko: Okay, but w-

Akane: Would you both just accept it? It's nice to meet you. I'm Akane Tendo, and those two are Ranma and Ranko Saotome.

Shampoo: Nihao! I Shampoo! Shampoo love (Y/N) so much!

Ukyo: And I'm Ukyo Kunonji. Your son here is cool, just like Ranma Honey.

Ranma: Geez Ukyo, I don't remember agreeing to that.

Kinue: It's nice to meet you all! I can tell all of you are good people just by your faces. I'll go get the tea!

Akane: (Y/N), I love your Mom already! She reminds me of my big sister, Kasumi.

(Y/N): Sister? What happened to your Mom?

Akane: She passed away. I was still young back then. My Dad, he mourned her every day. That's why he became so determined to protect us.

(Y/N): Wow. I'm sorry.

Akane: Yeah, it's been harder on my entire family. My sisters, they try to handle it, but it hurts them just to think about it. And, well, Ranma didn't even remember his Mom.

Ranma: Akane. Please, I don't want to talk about it.

(Y/N): What happened?

Ranko: It's our idiot of a Dad.

(Y/N): Oh brother. I don't even want to know.

So you just read their minds.

(Y/N): WOAH!! Seriously?!

Ranma: If I don't return to her as a man. We'll be forced to commit seppuku!! Or she'll do it herself!!

(Y/N): Talk about being devoted. Yikes. Man, what bad timing. But hey, you're a 100 percent man!

Ranma: Thanks to you Pal!

Ranko: But now, I'm going to be a big contradiction to that.

(Y/N): Hey, we'll figure it out when we figure it out.

Ukyo: Exactly Sugar, just relax.

Shampoo: You know Ranma, it always good to think about happy times. Let the sad moments go. It very wise words from fear grandmother.

(Y/N): What a wise woman. Got a lot of respect for her.

Kinue: You coming? Tea is ready.

Everyone: Sure!!

And soon...

Kinue: EEEEE! How sweet! These four beautiful ladies are now in your harem?

(Y/N): Yep. And one was gained from helping him.

Kinue: Oh, you went to Jusenkyo right?

Ranma: How do you-

Kinue: I study a lot on what my son researches. He knows a lot of interesting things.

Ranma: (Y/N), your Mom is cool.

(Y/N): Told ya!

Ukyo: Wow! This is good tea! What kind is it?

Kinue: It's Oolong mixed with Ceylon tea!

Shampoo: It so good! Shampoo approve!

Akane: Man, it reminds me of how Kasumi's tea.

(Y/N): Heh, you're lucky then! Welcome to the family ladies, and Ranma I guess!!

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