Search for the Corpse Parts!

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Right now, there were 4 Joestars with you. Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, and Jolyne. 

(Y/N): Okay, we have to search for the corpse parts, and no matter what happens, don't lose sight of anything! 

Jotaro: Yare Yare Daze, why of all times does this have to- 

(Y/N): Yeah yeah, we get it Jotaro, you're such a grump. Giorno, you should go with Jolyne. I feel like your abilities are useful together. 

Jolyne: Hi there. 

Giorno: Ciao, I'm Giorno Giovanna. 

Jolyne: Ciao? What are you- 

Giorno: I'm from Italy. 

Jolyne: Oh, I see. 

(Y/N): And I guess Jotaro should go with Josuke, I'm afraid of those two insulting your ... you know. 

Josuke: What? Oh, wait I get it now. 

Jotaro: Like anyone would not laugh at what you have. 

Josuke was really starting to get annoyed by that. 

(Y/N): I'll see what I can do. I've got the turtle with me. 

Coco Jumbo (A Turtle that contains a stand called Mr

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Coco Jumbo (A Turtle that contains a stand called Mr. President, which acts as a hidden room made to transport a large amount of allies! He contains the spirit of Jean Pierre Polnareff, a French Man, and ally!) 

Polnareff: Just don't drop me. It's already hard enough being a turtle. 

(Y/N): Got it Polnareff!

The time crack was nearby, and well, you go right in! 

And with that... 

You wound up in somewhere in Rome. 

(Y/N): Where is this? I d- 

A woman in a hood attacks you! 

(Y/N): AGH! What th-

 Not just her, but a bird even attacks from above! 

(Y/N): WHAT THE?! 

(Y/N): WHAT THE?! 

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