Last Mission!/Sub Arcadia?!

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Both of you returned back to the base. 

(Y/N): We're back! 

Zero: Really kept us waiting there. 

Ciel: Great job, Boys. You recovered the data. I'll get to work on analyzing. 

(Y/N): Just don't do it too hard Ciel. You need to be at your best. 

Ciel: Tee hee. Thanks. 

Operator: Only one more mission left. Neo Arcadia has completed a giant elevator. We do not know its purpose. They are bringing something up from deep underground.

(Y/N): We'll head there. 

Zero: This shouldn't take too long. 

And so... 

You and Zero head deep down, and take many elevators, all while taking down any enemies that come this way. 

(Y/N): Man, I really question Weil's plan now. 

Zero: How long have you been thinking about it. 

(Y/N): Ever since I first saw Omega. I mean, fusing him and the Dark Elf together, ruling Neo Arcadia?! What's his goal? 

Zero: Let's just worry about the enemy commander. 

In fact, the last one was up ahead. 

???: Who's there? 

Tretista Kelverian (One of Weil's Commanders! He was one of the Gentle Judges, who had three sides, compassion, aggression, and reason! When Weil modified him, he became a mindless beast!) 

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Tretista Kelverian (One of Weil's Commanders! He was one of the Gentle Judges, who had three sides, compassion, aggression, and reason! When Weil modified him, he became a mindless beast!) 

Kelverian: You're so tiny, I almost stepped on yah! My name is Tretista Kelverian, of Weil's Numbers. Your neck is so tiny... I'll snap it with one chomp! Grrrrrrr!

(Y/N): Bring it you big lug! 

He growls and starts attacking, separating the other parts of him, which begin to attack!

But you destroy one, and Zero takes out the other! 

And then, you both slash him into pieces! 

Kelverian: Where did you go? I don't see you... And my whole body hurts... Ouch... Oouuuch! Gaarrrwwwrrr!

As he explodes, you guys head back. 

Back at the base... 

Ciel: Well done. It seems the elevator was used to ship Energy Crystals. 

Operator: On that note, we finished with the data. 

Ciel: On another hand, Harpuia, Fefnir, and Leviathan are doing much better. 

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