The Eggman Empire!!

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We now see the two evil scientists from the bridge of their head ship.

Eggman: BEHOLD!! Those fools must have a death wish! They will be scared to witness these magnificent battleships built by the hands of a genius! It's power unmatched throughout the universe!

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Eggman: BEHOLD!! Those fools must have a death wish! They will be scared to witness these magnificent battleships built by the hands of a genius! It's power unmatched throughout the universe!

Wily: You getting ahead of yourself again Ivo?

Eggman: I sometimes get carried away. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh but when I have that pesky little hedgehog's head over my fireplace, then we'll see who is truly crazy!

Wily: Yes yes. Now what's taking them so long?

Wily speaks over an intercom.

Wily: Bass, where are the Skull Egg Bosses?!

Bass: (over speaker): They're coming alright you old farts? Now leave me alone, I must train Treble. Come on Boy.

Wily: Good!

And so...

Many of Eggman and Wily's Skull Egg Bosses showed up!

Lien Da: So, what's the news, oh fat and wrinkly ones?

Eggman looked really annoyed by the Echidna lady's sarcasm.

Wily: Ha! You are gaining lots of weight.

Eggman: Enough! As we speak, the Metal Squad should be finishing off that pesky little rodent and his even more aggravating friends. And if not, then that's where all of you come in.

Battle Lord: And are we going to talk about the new recruits here?

Axel (A water Buffalo who leads an entire army of biker ganged robots! He takes great pride in his men! His lieutenants are Quick Man, Charge Man, Turbo Man, and Nitro Man!) 

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Axel (A water Buffalo who leads an entire army of biker ganged robots! He takes great pride in his men! His lieutenants are Quick Man, Charge Man, Turbo Man, and Nitro Man!) 

Tundra (This old crusty walrus lost his wife years ago! He was found by the scientists and given another chance at life! Really won't stand it when someone insults his wife!)

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Tundra (This old crusty walrus lost his wife years ago! He was found by the scientists and given another chance at life! Really won't stand it when someone insults his wife!)

Tundra (This old crusty walrus lost his wife years ago! He was found by the scientists and given another chance at life! Really won't stand it when someone insults his wife!)

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Thunderbolt (A chinchilla who worships Eggman! Will not stand anyone who insults her boss! Uses a mech suit to fight due to her size!)

Scourge (Sonic's evil doppelgänger from a parallel universe! He absorbed power from the Master Emerald and enslaved everyone into being his underlings! Sounds a lot like a certain asshole Jaguar Arrancar!)

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Scourge (Sonic's evil doppelgänger from a parallel universe! He absorbed power from the Master Emerald and enslaved everyone into being his underlings! Sounds a lot like a certain asshole Jaguar Arrancar!)

Rosy the Rascal (Amy's evil counterpart and Scourge's Stalker Girlfriend! She's pretty much a psychotic version of Amy without any of her good qualities! She's also as crazy and hyperactive as Pinkie Pie and Nora Valkyrie combined together!)

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Rosy the Rascal (Amy's evil counterpart and Scourge's Stalker Girlfriend! She's pretty much a psychotic version of Amy without any of her good qualities! She's also as crazy and hyperactive as Pinkie Pie and Nora Valkyrie combined together!)

Thunderbolt: I'm just glad to be here! All Hail the Eggman Empire!

Tundra: So, what should we do? Hunt for the emeralds?

Wily: Yes, precisely.

Scourge: Sounds boring. When do I get to crush Sonic? I want to hear him scream!

Rosy: Yeah, if that little blu twit thinks he can upset my Scourgey, THEN I'LL BREAK HIS FUCKING LEGS!!!

Wily turns to Eggman.

Eggman: What? She seems to love the position. Oh, don't think you can get away with hiding all those new prototypes!

Wily: SHHH!! NOT YET!!!

Clove: Let's not waste any time then.

Cassia: You said it Sis! Let's go!!

Eggman: Great! HA! Here I come Sonic! Get ready!

Wily: You mean, we, right?

Eggman: Yes, yes, whatever you say.

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