More Girlfriends! A New World Unlocked!

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The Dazzlings wake up, and look around shocked!!

Dazzlings: What happened?

(Y/N): Oh, you had some healing done. All thanks to my little sister, and my reindeer friend.

You pointed out to Wendy and Chopper.

Wendy: You both should be dead. But Chopper and I helped!

Chopper: Heh, I managed to make a drug off of this.

Dazzlings: A talking Tanuki?


Sonata: HE'S ADORABLE!!!

Chopper: WHAT?! SHUT UP! That's not going to make me happy you jerk.

He starts dancing like he usually does.

Adagio: Why did you help us?

(Y/N): Because you didn't deserve death.

Dazzlings: What?

(Y/N): We all carried you back.

The girls were there too.

Twilight: You all okay?

Dazzlings: You saved us?

Sunset: I hope you girls are okay.

Pinkie: You really had it rough with that Dragon hating bully!

???: Tell me about it.

Dazzlings: WHAT THE?!

Jack: Yeah, Spike just so happened to transform into a dragon when we came here

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Jack: Yeah, Spike just so happened to transform into a dragon when we came here.

Aria: Where is here?

They looked outside to see the outside of the mansion!

Girls: It's a big house!!

Dazzlings: Wait, how did-

Everyone: This.

You show the Phantom Ruby.

(Y/N): We traveled to Jack and my world.

Jack: (Y/N) and I got the feeling that you ladies might have feelings for him. I mean, I had the feeling about all the girls here.

Girls: Wait, how do you-

(Y/N) and Jack: We're on Book 7, we know how this stuff works!

(Y/N): Also, there's the fact I created clones of you girls, so that nothing is wrong with the timeline. And now you ladies can stay and-

Girls: Thanks a lot (Y/N), you're a nice guy.

They hug you, and then you get a bunch of kisses.

Jack and Spike: Man, he's such a lucky dude.

Dazzlings: Hey. Look, you don't mind if we-

Fluttershy: You promise to behave yourselves?

Dazzlings: Yes!

AJ: And not cause trouble?

Sci-Twi: And make sure that you don't steal energy from others' negative emotions?

Dazzlings: Of course!!

(Y/N): Good! Also, I was interested to see who else was from your world. In case any other problems come back. I now have access to your world!

Twilight: Really?

(Y/N): Yep! So, you girls up for new adventures, new friends, and being my girlfriends!

Girls: YES! Of course!

(Y/N): Great!!

And boy would they make new friends indeed!!

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