Who's the Fastest??

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You guys are able to get the Tornado to land on the Battle Bird Armada Battleship!

(Y/N): Okay! Let's go find us a Super Emerald!

Twilight: Careful. These birds are an entire fleet of soldiers, so they must be really really strong.

(Y/N): We shouldn't worry too much. We're awesome!!

Rainbow: Exactly!

Sonic: Now let's kick some Bird Ass!

Jack: Agreed!

Several of the Battle Bird Armada begin to get in various mechs and begin to attack!

Tails: Bring it on Bird Brains!

As they start attacking, you slash through the mechs as the others begin knocking out the troops!

But then, three figures appear!

(Y/N): Who are those guys?

Jet: It's been a while Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic: Jet?

Wave: Long time no see, Shorty.

Tails: Wave!

Storm: Hey! Where's that little red punk?

Rainbow: Okay, who are the bird brains? These guys look off.

Sonic: They're the-

Jet: Ha! We're the Babylon Rogues, treasure hunter extraordinares!

Storm: And you're talking to the fastest guy in the sky, Jet the Hawk, our Boss!

Wave: Storm, Shh!

Jet: Why thank you. Now Sonic, I challenge you to a race! Fastest thing alive is the title that I deserve!

Rainbow: Seriously? They're just a bunch of stupid birds! I mean we have a parrot, a swallow, and an albatross.

Jack: How do you know about birds so much?

Rainbow: Hey, birds can be cool.

(Y/N): Actually he's a Hawk.

Jet: And I take personal offense to the whole falcon bit! Now-

He throws a hover board to Sonic.

Jet: First one to race all around the ship and make first place gets to keep the-


Jet: Cram it Geezer! This is my rising hour! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Twilight: This guy is crazy.


Wave kicks Storm.

Wave: Ignore him. He's a moron.

Rainbow: Of course he is.

Tails: You guys are part of the Battle Bird Armada?

Wave: Hey, it pays the bills. Besides, it's not like we actually hurt people.

And so...

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