Metallic Madness!!

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Everyone on Team (Y/N) made their way through the fortress, dodging any traps on the way, including-

Tails: Why are these blocks moving so fast?

(Y/N): You really had to bring this in?

Hey, it's a Megaman staple. Besides, I could make a joke here.

Sonic: Okay, if that's how they want to be then-

Sonic jumps on the walls to get across.

(Y/N): That works!

You move over, while Rainbow runs across, and Tails carries Twilight across.

Tails: Whew, this is a change from carrying Sonic. I wish he would go easy on the chili dogs.

Sonic: I can't help it! It's a feeling!

Rainbow: You said it Blue!


Eggman and Wily noticed and freaked!

Eggman: THEY'RE HERE!!

Wily: Now what?! Wait-

He looks at Bass.

Bass: Argh! Why couldn't Megaman be here?

Eggman and Wily: NOW BASS!! And take Metal Sonic and the others with you!

Bass: Fine! Come on Treble!

And so...

(Y/N): I hope that the others get here a-

???: We're here.

Team Dark showed up.

Rarity: Hello everyone!

Rainbow: Good, that's a plus. Did you find-

Rouge: Of course. An expert treasure aficionado like me is always the best.

Rarity: Though I got a horrible scare out of it.

Rainbow: What did you faint again?

Rarity: Uh .... N-

Shadow: She did, like an idiot.

Rarity: SHADOW!! YOU JERK!!!

Sonic: Heh, you'll never score a girl like that Shadow.

Shadow: Knock it off.

(Y/N): If you're done.

Omega: Yes, we must proceed forward.

???: Ha! If you can that is.

Bass shows up.

Jack: Bass!

Bass: Too bad Megaman isn't here! I was waiting to finally crush him!

Sonic: Ha! Rock could easily blast you with a few shots Fin Head.

Metal Sonic also appeared with his comrades.

Rainbow: Not you guys again.

Metal Sonic did a menacing glare.

Sonic: Oh, you sure you want that challenge Buckethead?

All the Metallic Units jump to back up their leader!

(Y/N): Oh boy. They want to pick a fight.

Bass: And we'll be unstoppable! NOW FUSE!!!

All the metallics fuse with Bass and Treble, to create Giga Bass!

(Y/N): Okay, now that's a problem.

Giga Bass: NOW FEAR MY-

But then he's held in place!

Giga Bass: HUH?

Silver: You're not going anywhere.

Everyone: Silver?


He throws Giga Bass out!

Wily and Eggman watch and-

Wily and Eggman:

They were literally scared now, their Skull Egg Bosses weren't there to back them up, and Wily was very very unsure of releasing his new robots.

Eggman and Wily: What now?!

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