Turnabout Target (Part 4!!!!)

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Twilight and Knightley began their logical arguments!

Knightley: You're going up against a protector of the president himself! You scared?

Twilight: No. I have to know about the investigation.

Knightley: The President said to piss off! SO PISS OFF, YOU TEENAGE BRAT!!!

She just takes a deep breath.

Knightley: Being on this plane is like being on Zheng Fa, you can't do as you please.

Twilight: This plane? What's he talking about? So, why are you forbidding us all from investigating?

Knightley: There is no reason! That should be enough of an explanation for you!

Twilight: From what I said; it should be connected to this plane!

Knightley: AAAAGH! You wench!

Twilight: Earlier, you said that being on this plane is like being on Zheng Fa's soil. From those words, I was able to deduce the answer. Namely, that is... You and President Huang wish to claim extraterritorial rights inside this plane. Am I correct?

Knightley: SHUT UP! This isn't over Princess!

Twilight: Heh, I'm right. When I said extraterritorial rights, I noticed how you shook.

Knightley: AAAARGH!!

Huang: He's right. I am claiming extraterritorial rights inside this place. However! What does that change? You are still powerless! There is nothing you can do about it! So leave now! Take your arguments foolish woman!

Twilight: Don't you think you're being too forceful?

Huang: Who asked you?? Just obey! It's leadership!

Twilight: You think you can just have the authority to arrest Nicole when we don't have any proof on her?

Knightley: The girl's a criminal! The shooting took place outside, so she's the suspect!

Twilight: In that case, I challenge the validity of your claim to extraterritorial rights.

Huang: Do you truly understand... What it is you're saying?

Twilight: Yes! I'm making sure that my friends and I can solve what happened to Mr. Rooke!

Knightley: You date doubt the President's words? You have no shame!

Twilight: Indeed, I do not question your extraterritorial rights inside this plane. ...However! You just claimed that the shooting took place "outside the plane". Yes! If it didn't happen inside the plane, extraterritorial laws do not apply! Your claim has fallen apart!!

Knightley and Huang: AAAAAGH!

Huang: Beaten by a little girl?! No! I'm the President of Zheng Fa!

Knightley: Damn it! Mr. President, she got us!

Twilight: And with that, it's checkmate!

(Y/N): You're getting a date after this case Twi! That was amazing!

Kay: Nice one Twily!

Edgeworth: You have my thanks Twilight.

Twilight: I couldn't just sit by and let a corrupt President take an innocent person like Nicole captive!

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