Trek Through Sub Arcadia!!

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You and Zero appear in Sub Arcadia and start fighting your way through the entire area, dodging spikes, and other dangerous traps! 

(Y/N): Remember Zero, we're not to hold back! 

Zero: I know all too well. Let's end this!

Upon going through a door, you guys encounter- 

(Y/N) and Zero: WEIL!!

Weil: Heheheheheee... How gallant you are you fools!!  All the Reploids in the entire world are now under my power. Humans are like pigs, dependent upon the Reploids for their very existence... You do realize, don't you, that if I felt like it, I could wipe all the humans out in the blink of an eye?

(Y/N): WHY YOU!! 

You try to punch him, but he teleports away. 

Weil: (over the radio) Crea! Prea! Do with this one as you please! I've got some pig squeals to enjoy. The squeals of indolent pigs, wasting their pitiful lives on idle pursuits. Would you like to know who rules the world?! Heheheheheee... Bwahahaha!

Crea and Prea then appear. 

Crea: It's him, the Bad Reploid! 

Prea: It's him, the Nasty Human! 

Crea: I'll rip you to pieces! 

Prea: I'll tear you to shreds!

Both of them go to attack you guys by combining together! 

(Y/N): You got to be kidding! 

Zero: Come on, let's teach these brats a lesson! 

Zero slashes and you do the same with Gorun Nova, causing Crea and Prea to be blind, despite their rushing attacks, and after a few more hits to them- 

Crea and Prea: AAAAAAAAAAGH! 

They separate. 

Crea: Prea, there's something wrong. 

Prea: Yes, Crea, there's something definitely wrong. 

Crea: I feel like I'm being stabbed by pins and needles. 

Prea: feel like I'm being smashed with clubs and hammers... 

Crea and Prea: NOOOOOOO!! 

They both disintegrated. 

(Y/N): Fools, nothing is more foolish than wasting your lives. 

Zero: Come on. We have to go after Weil. 

And as you both enter another room, Weil shows up on a monitor. 

Weil: Well well, if it isn't the Human and the Reploid. Playing hero. 

Zero: You do understand, don't you, that I have no time for your petty games? So let's finish this for once and for all, shall we?

Weil: Hehehehe... How pitiful. Of course, a Reploid like you would never understand. The joy of ruling all that you see... Only a human could possibly understand!

(Y/N): You may be a human in appearance, but your heart makes you a demon. 

Zero: Yeah, you're just like a maverick with everything you've done. 

Weil: You done? Okay then, Omega?! 

Omega appears!

Omega: ZERO! 

(Y/N): Oh boy. 

Weil: Omega, do away with the boy and Zero. NOW CRUSH THEM!!

Omega swings his sword, and you block the attack! 

But he launches shots from his forehead, which Zero dodges and he blasts him. 

Omega growls and starts firing rings from his hands, which you dodge, and then- 


With the stop of time, you rush him! 

(Y/N): ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!! Time resume now! 

Omega takes a lot of damage! 

But he slams you both back with his arms and gets ready to hit with his sword. 

(Y/N): ZERO! 

Zero: RIGHT! 

Both of you combine your swords together and slash at him!

The sword is destroyed, and Omega's arms begin to lose power. 


Weil: Not bad. But Omega's true power is much greater than you've been led to expect. Go get him, Omega! Release the power of the Dark Elf!!!

Omega then screams and fuses with the Dark Elf even more!

Omega then screams and fuses with the Dark Elf even more!

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(Y/N): OH GEEZ!!

Omega begins to attack and you and Zero start on the defensive! 

Luckily, you get an idea!!! 


Shukaku: HERE GOES!!!!

You and Shukaku sync, and- 


You hit Omega, and soon enough the platform collapses, and you and Zero fall into a familiar place to Zero. 

Zero: Where are we? Wait, this is where Ciel found me. 

Weil: I'm impressed you remember Zero. Impressive .... FOR A FAKE!!!

Zero: What do you mean b- 

Omega arises from the rubble with a different appearance. 

(Y/N): WHAT?!

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(Y/N): WHAT?!

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