Mephisto's Big Gamble!

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Deep in Hell...

Mephisto schemed big, and boy oh boy, he didn't want to have Stickler on his back all of the time.

Mephisto: What's the point? How am I going to keep harvesting souls when I can't even keep Hell's biggest assassins under my wing?

He then plotted over and over again and again, and soon enough came to a realization!

Mephisto: I'll get the best damn man for a job like this!

He soon phones a casino...

???: Yeah? You've reached D'Arby's casino. How may I be of service?

Mephisto: Ah, Daniel, I've been looking for a man of your skills.

D'Arby: And who might I be speaking to?

Mephisto: Well, I would like to make a deal. A game to play if you say.

D'Arby: I'm listening. What kind of game?

Mephisto: You steal more souls, I promise your collection will increase.

D'Arby: I still would like to know who you are?

Mephisto: I'm well .. the Devil, and you could say, that you're my new Number 1.

D'Arby: The Devil? Well okay, Mr. Devil. I'm game.

Mephisto: Just remember, I don't tolerate failure.

D'Arby: I'll keep that in mind.

Mephisto: Good.

He hangs up.

Mephisto: I'll become even more powerful with those new souls. Oh, I've picked a good one. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Geez, it's already a new book, and Mephisto has lost even more sanity. I'm calling my agent about increasing my salary, because I'm losing own sanity narrating all of this. It should be worth it.

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