Attack of the Undead!/Koga and the Wolf Tribe!

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Everyone pretty much had to follow your senses, since you were the one tracking Naraku and Madara!

Good thing Kirara acts as a ride!

Good thing Kirara acts as a ride!

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Jack: Woooo! This is awesome!!

(Y/N): What a fascinating beast you have Sango!

Sango: Thanks. Kirara's amazing.

(Y/N): And cute like you!

She blushes at that.

Sango: Hey! We're supposed to focus on killing Naraku and this Madara guy. Can you not?

(Y/N): Sorry. It's just, you're very cute and beautiful, even when you're in your Demon Slayer clothes!

 It's just, you're very cute and beautiful, even when you're in your Demon Slayer clothes!

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(This is her normal attire!)

Miroku: I hate to interrupt, but why am I sitting in the back?

Inuyasha: You should know why, you pervert.

Miroku whacks Inuyasha with his staff.

Miroku: And I would suggest you don't mouth off to anyone else.

Shippo: He's got a point Inuyasha.

(Y/N): Okay, quick, go to the right!

Kagome: Wait! That's a sharp turn! WOAH!

She holds onto you, and you both blush!

(Y/N): Uh, Kagome, you okay?

Kagome: Y-Yeah! I am. Hehehehehe.

Inuyasha: BLEGH! Get a room, you idio-

But then he stops.

Inuyasha: Forget I said anything.

Jack: Hey! He's growing a brain.

Inuyasha grew very impatient and his veins were popping.

Inuyasha: Thank you for the compliment, Jack. (With rage hidden) I appreciate it!

His eyes were twitching too.

But then, you noticed someone in danger!

(Y/N): Wait!! Who's that? Looks like some wolf or-

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