The Meeting of the Speedsters!!

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Rainbow Dash was just getting herself some lunch, after she went for a long jog.

Rainbow: Man, it feels great to run a marathon in a day. Besides, this world has super powered people of different origins, whether they are human or not. Now, time for the best type of lunch!

Rainbow: Ah Chili Dogs! A fiesta of flavor for my-

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Rainbow: Ah Chili Dogs! A fiesta of flavor for my-

One chili dog is soon eaten before her eyes.

Rainbow: HEY!! What's the big idea?

She looks around, and then shrugs.

Rainbow: I must be seeing th-

Then the one she's about to munch on, disappears!

Rainbow: Seriously! What's that?

???: Hey, thanks for the lunch!

Rainbow: It's my lunch, not-

She then notices the perpetrator!

It was Sonic!

Rainbow: A talking blue porcupine?

Sonic: Porcupine?! I'm a hedgehog!!

Rainbow: A blue talking hedgehog wearing gloves and sneakers. Now I've seen everything.

Sonic: You're the one with rainbow hair, and cyan skin.

Rainbow: Look who's talking Pinhead. I'm a human, and you're a hedgehog!

Sonic: Not just any hedgehog. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!

Rainbow: Neat name. I'm Rainbow Dash. And I'm the best athlete from where I come from!

Sonic: Please, I can fun around the entire continent in 1 minute.

Rainbow: I can do that in 30 seconds!

Sonic: Alright then, "Dashie,"you're on! We race to prove it!

Rainbow: Sheesh, it only works if Pinkie calls me that. You're on Pinhead!!

And soon...

The two began racing with both literally moving around the entire continent of Asia just to prove who is faster!

Though when the two return, they both fall down exhausted.

Rainbow: So, you admit defeat?

Sonic: No, do you?

Rainbow: Hell no! I-

???: There you are Rainbow!

Twilight appeared.

Rainbow: Oh, hey Twilight. This hedgehog stole my lunch.

???2: Yeah. I figured he would do that.

Tails also appeared.

Sonic: Hey, Tails.

Tails: Seriously Sonic?

Sonic: Can't help the taste of chili dogs.

Rainbow: Friend of yours?

Sonic: Yeah. She your friend?

Rainbow: Yep. We both got egghead friends.

Tails and Twilight: Hey! We'll have you know that-


Twilight: See?

Tails: Yep, she's like a female human Sonic. Along with the personality, ego, and taste for speed.

Rainbow: Look, no opinion is needed from us.

Sonic: Yeah, you two can have your fun. Hey RD, want to go and kick bad guys ass?

Rainbow: You bet Sonic! Let's go!

The two then disappear.

Twilight and Tails: Well at least they're friends now.

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