Missile Launch (Part 2!!)

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You and Zero arrive at the Missile Factory!

Ciel: (Over communications) Good, it seems like you made it.

(Y/N): And you were worried over nothing. Don't cry over that, it's sad to see a cutie cry.

Ciel: Uh .... Hahahahaha. Thanks.

Zero: So, did you figure out where the missile's target is?

Ciel: The target is... Area Z... 3079. What?! That's a human residential district!! Wait, that's not all... The Dark Elf is there, too!

(Y/N): SHIT!! He's trying to take the Dark Elf! Zero!

Zero: Right!

You both start rushing in, and dodge enemy fire!

(Y/N): Sorry! Got no time to play!

Zero: We can't let that missile reach the coordinates!

Soon, you reach the missile, and-

Computer: WARNING: MISSILE LAUNCHING IN 5, 4, 3, 2...

Zero: NO!

He jumps on!


You grab on just as the missile takes off!


Zero: Did you have any better plans?

(Y/N): NO!

Ciel: Are you both alright?

Zero: (Y/N) and I have to stop the missile!

(Y/N): Alright fine!

Ciel: NO! Don't do that! It's too-

Zero cut communications.

Zero: We have no other choice.

And so...

As the missile broke apart, the two of you find-

(Y/N): Zero, it's them.

Zero: Those Baby Elves.

Crea and Prea were there.

Crea: It's him, the Bad Reploid!

Prea: It's him, the Nasty Human!

Crea: Omega will go rescue Mama! Don't get in his way! Leave!

Prea: We'll protect him from you! Don't get in his way! Leave!

They then begin to attack with energy shots, and even dust that makes you nauseas!

(Y/N): Argh! Did Weil modify them?

Zero: It doesn't matter! Let's take them into a timeout.

(Y/N): Yeah!

You slam your weapons onto Prea, while Zero attacks Crea!

No attacks were softened!

Crea and Prea: AAAAAGH!!

They soon stop.

Crea: Waaaaah! You horrible things!

Prea: Owwwwww! That hurt!

Suddenly, the missile begins to rumble.

(Y/N): NO! We're too late! They're just here to distract us!

Crea and Prea just laugh.

Crea: We may have lost, but the missile will land soon! Our mission is a success!

Prea: We may have lost, but we'll see our Mama soon! Our mission is a success!

(Y/N): CRAP!



The missile explodes, and you both find yourselves before-


(Y/N): Huh?!

Crea: Yay! Maaama! Maaama!

Prea: Yay! Maaama! Maaama!

The Dark Elf fused together with a giant beast! It's Omega!!

Omega (Weil's Ultimate Creation! A Reploid with massive amounts of power!)

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Omega (Weil's Ultimate Creation! A Reploid with massive amounts of power!)

Crea: Hey! Can you beat up that Bad Reploid for us?

Prea: Hey! Can you beat up that Nasty Human for us?

Omega matches towards you and Zero, but-

Harpuia, Fefnir, and Leviathan show up!

Fefnir: Okay Omega, it's payback time! You cannot just use humanity for your own purposes!

Leviathan: You and Weil have gone too far!

Harpuia: We, the Reploids of Neo Arcadia... We are defenders of humanity. The only justice here. Is this wasteland what you people call justice?! Weil!!!

They draw their weapons and begin attacking Omega! Harpuia summons powerful lightning bolts, Fefnir creates erupting magma from the ground, like geysers, and Leviathan summons an ice dragon!!

But Omega growls and uses his sword to instantly damage them!

All three Guardians are on the ground, and are  near death!

(Y/N): HEY! Those guys are your comrades!

Zero: Crap! They're not going to last! Hey you guys, get up!

Harpuia: Z-Zero?

Fefnir: Hey, now's not the time for a rematch.

Leviathan: You idiot, what are you doing? We're your enemies!

Zero: You're one to talk in that position.

(Y/N): Come on.

You grab all three of them!

Crea and Prea: KILL THEM!! KILL THEM!! K-

But thanks to the Operators, you all are transferred back to base!


You arrive back, and Ciel hugs both of you.


Zero: I'll try not to think about that.

(Y/N): Sorry, Ciel. By the way, we need to help them. The Guardians are nearly dead.

Ciel: Right. I'll go find Cerveau.

Things were about to turn from bad to worse.

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