Data Collecting!!

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Upon returning back, Ciel looked a bit saddened by Weil's plans. 

Ciel: What was Weil going to do to so many Baby Cyber Elves? 

(Y/N): I don't know. He's a deranged monster indeed. But once we stop him, the world won't need to worry about him anymore.

Zero: What other missions do you have? 

Operator: We have two. 1: Containers have fallen out of a space ship, which fell onto snowy plains. It is possible they contain data about Omega or Weil. We sent a scouting party, but the Neo Arcadian forces are too strong, and they cannot pass. We would like you to reinforce them, and retrieve the data. 2: The ruins of an ancient library have been found. It's completely soaked inside, but there may still be some data around. We'd like you to search for data on Weil or Omega.

(Y/N): Maybe we should split up on this one. Zero, you go and search for that ship, and I'll check out the library. 

Zero: Alright then. Good luck. 

(Y/N): Thanks buddy. 

The Operators get ready to transfer you both to different areas. First Zero, and then you. 

Ciel: I hope you both know what you're doing. 

With Zero...

Zero arrives in the plains, and one of the soldiers spots him. 

Resistance Soldier: Ah, Mr. Zero! The enemy is waiting in ambush up ahead... There's no way we can break through. Mr. Zero, if you can make an opening, we'll follow you.

Zero: Got it. 

He rushes through slashing through any of Weil's men, who are using different weaponry and on hoverboards to reach him. 

But of course, Zero, being a legendary hero takes them down, and steals a hoverboard to use to get to the ship. 

Zero: Is that it? Well, time to get that data. 

As he enters, a figure appears. 


Glacier le Cactank (One of Weil's Commanders! He acts like a courtroom judge and gives out offenses for the smallest of crimes!) 

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Glacier le Cactank (One of Weil's Commanders! He acts like a courtroom judge and gives out offenses for the smallest of crimes!) 

Cactank: Hah! That container was on Omega's ship. So you see, it's ours. Has the legendary hero stooped to thievery? How deplorable. As king of the Snow Plains, I do hereby judge your crime.  I, Glacier Le Cactank, of Weil's Numbers, have reached a verdict. The punishment for thievery is death!

Zero: Bring it on. 

Back with you... 

You appear in the old library. 

(Y/N): Hopefully, I can find something. 

You head deeper inside, the watery and old library, making sure to stay away from any electric wires. 

Then you start looking through file cabinets. 

(Y/N): Hmmm ... files on Weil, Omega, the Dark Elf, and the Elf Wars. Let's see. File #650326 (Dr. Weil) From Neo Arcadia... Creator of Omega... Altered the Mother Elf, sparking the Elf Wars... Banished from Neo Arcadia after the Elf Wars...

Then you move to Omega's file. 

(Y/N):  File # 815156 (Omega) The ultimate Reploid, created by Dr. Weil... Possesses incredible power when combined with the Dark Elf. Banished to outer space to avoid another Elf War..

Next was the Dark Elf file. 

(Y/N): File #351848 (Dark Elf) Officially known as the "Mother Elf." Creator unknown. This Cyber-elf was originally created for the purpose of restoring Maverick Programs to their original state. But the Mother Elf was altered by Dr. Weil so she could be used to manipulate Reploids, by freely rewriting programs. Although the organized fighting of the Reploids manipulated by the altered Mother Elf did end the wars, this terrible power was sealed off to prevent misuse. So, she wasn't always a monster. 

Finally, there was the Elf Wars file. 

(Y/N): File #945388 (Elf Wars) .........end of the.........Wars......Cyber-elves...... used ........... from this........................................... .Elf Wars........................the us........................"Dark Elf," and copies ...........................amplify the power .............. while ............ will............the worst .... in............ ....... ........................the war.....end............... Approximately 90%.................................wiped.....

Ciel: Hey, (Y/N). 

(Y/N): What's up Ciel? 

Ciel: It looks like that data is corrupt. I think we may be able to repair it at the base.

(Y/N): Got i- 

But then you dodge an attack. 

(Y/N): Who the? 

Volteel Biblio (He's even more insane than Deathtanz Mantisk! His brain has been fried after exposure to electricity, and now he loves to torture and play with his prey!) 

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Volteel Biblio (He's even more insane than Deathtanz Mantisk! His brain has been fried after exposure to electricity, and now he loves to torture and play with his prey!) 

Biblio: Who dares intrude upon my territory?  I am Volteel Biblio, of Weil's Numbers. What is it you've got there? Give that data back! Nooowww!

(Y/N): Make me, you crazy son of a bitch!! 


He starts generating electricity, but you had a bright idea. 

(Y/N): Let's see how you like moving water! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

Biblio: WHAT?! 

(Y/N): I learned this from one of my wives. WATER NEBULA!!!

He is hit by powerful streams of water and electrocuted!!!

(Y/N): Got you! I hope Zero is alright. 

Back with Zero...

Zero cuts through Cactank. 

Cactank: Oh... my... Not stopping at thievery, you also defy Lord Weil!? Lord Weil's new order will issue judgement upon you! Arrrrgh!

As he dies, the Resistance Soldiers arrive and cheer for Zero. 

Soldier: We've discovered data inside the container! Mr. Zero! We've recovered all of the data! I will continue searching for more data.

Zero: Good. Let's head back. (Y/N) should be done with his mission. 

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