Succession Trial!!

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The news soon quickly spread, and-

Satsuki: Sucession Trial? Is this true?

Nonon: Yeah, little Ms. Princess happened to announce her retirement for fresh new blood in the mix.

Inumuta: That is, whoever can best her succession trial that is.

Sanegayama: We have another chance to rise and become head of the Student Council again!

Gamagori: Lady Satsuki, your chances are all laid in front of you! YOU HAVE ALL THE CARDS, AND I WILL SUPPORT ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE!

Satsuki: Thank you, Gamagori, Sanageyama, Inumuta, and Nonon, your loyalty is what I always admire.

Elite Four: It is an honor, Lady Satsuki!!

But then they were interrupted.


Satsuki: How did you find out so quickly Ryuko?

Ryuko: Please, Mako let's me know about those kind of things.

Mako: Yep! You see I overheard the announcement by Ms. President and she was all classy and cute when saying it. Of course I figured that Lady Satsuki would try and do something to enter the Succession thingy; and I knew there would be lots of injured ones out there! I mean, I couldn't let something crazy happen, so I told Ryuko, and we ran all the way over here, and a lot of other crazy stuff happened, and it was all-

Gamagori: Mankanshoku, get to the point.

Mako: Agh! Yes Sir, Gamagori Sir! Basically, I thought Ryuko should know.

Ryuko: Anyway, can't you just let it go?

Satsuki: You don't get it. There has to be order. I know how order goes.

Ryuko: What? Is this going to be another Hounouji Academy? More of the Goku Uniforms? More of-

Satsuki: I'm not going to be what our Mother was.

Ryuko: (sigh) You're nowhere near her. Besides if you do get power hungry, I'll deck you one!

Satsuki: Thank you, my Little Sister.

Elite Four: Not until you beat us up first!/.

Ryuko: Right right.


Ryuko: Mako! I'm not here to fight.

Mako: Then if there's no fight, you need to take me to eat some Takoyaki!!

Ryuko: Fine. Let's go.


You lined up at the start line.

(Y/N): I'm ready! Say, who will I be competing against? Satsuki is an obvious choice, but w-

???: Hey (Y/N)! Get ready; because I'm not holding back!

???2: Hahahahahahaha! Okay Buddy, you better be ready to lose! Because I'm all in this!

You noticed two idiots nearby. Two very very dumb idiots.

(Y/N): Of course you both would be here.

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