Rescuing Neige!!

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Back at the Command Center, the Operator and Ciel were waiting. 

Ciel: Welcome back. We managed to locate Neige. 

(Y/N): Good work Ciel. 

Zero: Harpuia, Fefnir, Leviathan, why don't you leave us to it. 

Harpuia: Are you sure about this? 

Fefnir: You're crazy to think just the two of you guys will be able to make it through there. 

Leviathan: Besides, we don't know if Weil's bringing you into a trap. 

Ciel: You know, I've been wondering. 

Zero: What's up? 

Ciel: Are we doing the right thing? 

Zero: You mean the people in the Settlement?

Ciel: Yeah... Even if we help Neige... What good will it do if the people don't open their hearts? I've been thinking ever since I heard about how much the humans hate the Reploids... I wonder if we can make this world a better place.

(Y/N): We can only- 

Then a beep happens, and on screen is Tornado of the Settlement, and everyone else is behind him. 

(Y/N): What do you guys want? Probably to yell at u- 

Tornado: (Y/N), and Zero. You ... you guys were right. I'm sorry I got upset at you. 

(Y/N): Huh? Wow, I guess it worked. 

Tornado: If we abandon Neige, this whole Settlement means nothing. From the moment we all decided to live free of Weil's rule, Neige has helped us too many times to count. We don't have the right to ask you this, but... Please save Neige for us. If you really aren't like Weil and the others, please lend us your strength!

(Y/N): Zero and I will save her. 

Tornado: Thank you and- 

Settlement: Good luck! 

They all salute you. 

Operator: (Y/N), Zero, I'm ready when you are. 

(Y/N): We're ready. 

Harpuia: Don't die on us. 

Fefnir: Good luck! 

Leviathan: Make sure you don't get too cocky out there. 

Ciel: We're counting on you two. 

Zero: You ready? 

(Y/N): Yeah. 


And so... 

You guys are ready to access the prison, and while several soldiers come in to attack, you chop them up, and eventually come to Neige's cell!

Neige: (Y/N), Zero! What are you going doing here? 

(Y/N): Rescuing you, Silly. The Settlement sent us. 

Neige: Thanks for the help. But ... I still want to talk to Craft. 

Zero: Is he a friend of yours? 

Neige: Craft saved me from Mavericks when I was just starting out as a reporter. I was amazed at how he fought to protect the humans. Hehe, it's kinda strange, a human falling for a Reploid.

And then Craft comes in. 

Craft: Then I fell in love too. Neige fought her hardest to expose the truth to people.

Neige: Craft!

Craft: Neige... You haven't changed a bit. Once you set your mind to something, you see it through to the end.

Neige: You've changed. You think you're fighting for humanity, but you are just a pawn being played by Weil.

Craft: You understand nothing. Weil will destroy everything outside of Neo Arcadia with Ragnarok. That includes you. That's why I helped him, so I could find you... To protect you... Not just you, but all humans and Reploids... We have to maintain what little energy we have to survive. Even if that means a life under Weil's control...

Neige: So that's why you blindly follow Weil? Stealing freedom and destroying nature just for survival? Is this the justice you have fought for?

Craft: ...

???: Hehehe... You humans dare talk about justice? A hundred years ago you drove me from Neo Arcadia... you've disposed of Maverick Reploids like garbage... Humans complaining about justice!? Don't make me laugh!

Weil then appears. 

Weil appears. 

(Y/N): WEIL!!!! 

Zero: You. 

Weil: Hehehe... You've been keeping busy Zero, and of course you (L/N). There are only four soldiers left now... But no matter... You still can't stop Ragnarok. Not a chance! Hehehe! A question for the lady: Will you stay and die in Area Zero for your "freedom?" Or will you follow Craft's example and follow me? I really don't care one way or the other.

Neige growled at him. 


Weil: Hehehe... That's the face... The face of rage, suffering and humiliation... It's my greatest pleasure... A pleasure only a ruler can fully appreciate!

Craft: Don't you get it? Justice has long abandoned this world. Only life and death matter now. Neige... I don't want you to become one of the dead.

You and Zero get in front of Neige. 

Neige: (whispering) Psst, hey you guys. When I give the signal, close your eyes. 

Weil: Well? What's it going to be? 

Neige: If the only other choice is a living death under you... Then I'd rather choose to laugh death in the face and face it with dignity! Zero! (Y/N)! Now!!

You both close your eyes, and Neige throws a flashbang!

Craft: What!? A trick!

Weil: Agh! I can't see! You'll pay for that!

You punch a hole in and you and Zero grab Neige and head down. 

The light returns. 

Weil: The little scoundrels escaped. Hmph, no matter... Craft, continue with Ragnarok. And find those two. We'll show them the error of their ways!

He then disappears. 

Craft: Laughing death in the face and facing it with dignity is better than a... living death... Neige... I...

He seemed really conflicted. 

Too bad for Craft though, you guys managed to escape with Neige. 

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